Hi everyone...
I'm new to this forum. In fall 2013, I downloaded GE and began to make a game.
I didn't knew anything and still I don't know as much as I need, to make my game like I want it.
Many problems occured, but I solved them with your helpful threads. I learned tricky things.
My game grew to a 280mb Monster but I was always too lazy, to introduce the activation region thing...
And I think, that was my mistake.
It would be nice, if someone could help me with the following problem:
Last night, I wanted to build a new level on my platformer.... Added an actor... wanted to test the game and meeeep... it didn't jump on the main screen on startup like it always does. It showed me the gameoverscreen. Hmm... okay...
Back to the previous version... everythings fine... Add a new actor... whole game systems a mess...
I also have to notice, that I got about 600 collision scripts in my main actor.
Is there any last-in-first-out-rule, I should mention or is GE pushed to the limits (witch I don't want to belive).
Would be so nice, if someone could trying to help.
(Sorry for my bad english)
Edit: By pressing the gamemode-button this Errormessage appears: View->Draw Actor, line 0: Compilation error(0)