GE 1.5 release?

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GE 1.5 release?

Postby Hblade » Tue Jun 07, 2011 9:57 pm

When will this be released? No hurry or anything, just curious.
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Re: GE 1.5 release?

Postby again » Wed Jun 08, 2011 12:05 am

To be quite honest I dont want them rushing 1.5 release. Its best to clear the bugs and add android. The focus should be made to advertise and promote game editor. I feel users of game editor should start making games for Mac, PC, and linux. That will help promote game editor and add new customers. Also game editor should go back to its original price point of $100 , that would spur futher growth. I remember when I got game editor it was $100 full version.
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Re: GE 1.5 release?

Postby Hblade » Wed Jun 08, 2011 2:50 am

i disagree with the pricing plan. Reason it's been changed because it wasn't a good pricing plan to begin with. (Don't get me wrong, Charging for game editor is good, and with all you can do with Game Editor, it should cost).

As I've said, no hurry or anything I was just curious. I probably won't be making any other games until the latest release is out, because I want to be able to use the new features (Rotation, physics, Scaling, etc). With this, you can make so many types of games using just those few enhancements. AKR is working rather hard on the new GE, and to be honest he doesn't have to. I don't even know if he's getting paid for this or not (I doubt he is), but anyways yeah. Thanks AKR for helping with GE :)
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Re: GE 1.5 release?

Postby jimmynewguy » Wed Jun 08, 2011 4:02 am

Yea, everyone working on it is doing a good job. Last I read, Akr said 3Q would be around when 1.5 was released, but I wouldn't hold a deadline against such a small team. Things come up and we're lucky it's still developing in the first place. So we'll see what goes down I guess :D
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Re: GE 1.5 release?

Postby schnellboot » Wed Jun 08, 2011 11:39 am

yeah I think 100$ is too less to be honest
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Re: GE 1.5 release?

Postby Hblade » Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:59 pm

I think it's a little too much, to be honest. Reason being is because the economy is tough, and a higher price will force more people to want to get a pirated or cracked copy of the exe file.
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Re: GE 1.5 release?

Postby schnellboot » Thu Jun 09, 2011 2:48 pm

hm.. but most game engines are 100$+
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Re: GE 1.5 release?

Postby Hblade » Thu Jun 09, 2011 4:55 pm

Very true but if you want to minimal the piracy, in this economy you want to make a price everybody can enjoy. I'd reccomend $50 or $60 be the price of the engine, seeing as how the price of most new games are that as well and people seem to be okay with that.

How to manage GE budget and higher/lower the pricing in a tough economy:

  • User-Friendly
    The more user friendly this is, the less it should cost. Why? Because more people will want it if it's easy to use, thus you will get more money by more shoppers.
  • Porting
    Seeing as how it's multi-port, meaning ports for various OS' / Devices, each port should bring up the price by $10. So right now theres Windows(10), Mac(20), Linux (30), GP2x(30) and I think theres another one... note sure. So right now $30 for the export plus the engine it's self($20) raises it to be a total of $50 so far
  • Economy
    more and more people are loosing money every day in this though time, there for drop the price by a division of the economy (very hard to explain what I mean but most of you probably already know), so drop about $5 or so. $45 is the fair price for this engine so far
  • Forums
    The people on this forum are very friendly and helpful, So, for being able to get help easily that should be $10 more (Just like one of those "hidden fees" kinda thing which everyone hates xD) $55 so far
  • Comes with tutorial
    It comes with a documentation with full script definitions. $5 boost (Another "hidden fee" thing)
  • Overall what GE should make:
    Using these calculations, if even 100 people buy it and spread the word there's a possibility of:
    $6000 right there for 100 people, if they spread the word to even one of their friends, or lets say 75 of them spread the word to just ONE of their friends, thats $10,500 right there. with only 175 people.

So there you have it. $60 would be the fair price of this engine
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Re: GE 1.5 release?

Postby NightOfHorror » Thu Jun 09, 2011 7:10 pm

wait let me make sure what you guys said. Are you saying we should buy GE itself like in the older days of GE
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Re: GE 1.5 release?

Postby Hblade » Thu Jun 09, 2011 7:35 pm

I layed out a price plan incase they do that.
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Re: GE 1.5 release?

Postby RippeR7420 » Fri Jun 10, 2011 3:56 am

I agree that GE should have a price, But what about the people who are still learning or aren't quite good enough at scripting and game design to release a game? It seems a little un-fair on there side, Ya?

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Re: GE 1.5 release?

Postby NightOfHorror » Fri Jun 10, 2011 4:16 am

Well I will be the debate guy for both sides.
GE having a price would probably make more marvelous money for it,,, buuuut there are kids that have dads that wont pay just because he doesn't want to spend money on something that isn't needed.
Today I realize Mak's stress with GE's money issue when I was at Taekwondo. I being red belt, and one more belt away from black, really care about it. At the end of class my instructor was talking about how he was doing financially bad with the school, and how far he's been going to keep it open, and he's at the point of looking for a second job. Reminded me of when Makslane had to get second job, and anyway what I'm saying is anything to keep GE should be used
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Re: GE 1.5 release?

Postby makslane » Fri Jun 10, 2011 8:40 pm

Game Editor have a pricetoday!!!
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Re: GE 1.5 release?

Postby NightOfHorror » Fri Jun 10, 2011 8:54 pm

I bet selling GE itself will make alot more money than selling the license since alot of people use GE for fun and have no intention of making money off of it
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Re: GE 1.5 release?

Postby Hblade » Fri Jun 10, 2011 10:02 pm

Yup, agreed with Night
@makslane Wrote:
"Game Editor have a pricetoday!!!" yes but like he said that's for the professional licences :) for those who are interested in making money off the games they like. The reason I want to make games is for people to enjoy :)
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