Here is a very basic Platform Template i threw together real quick to help beginners learn the basics. I know, it's not really a tutorial, but pretty much every line of code has a description of what it does, and how it effects the player. Hopefully this should be plenty to get you started in making your very own, Platform Master Piece!
* Basic player movement (keyboard keys = movement).
* Basic score (coins to collect + boxes to hit).
* Player Lives ( losing life + getting a game-over).
* Re-spawn ( if you die, you'll re-spawn at the beginning on the level).
* Very basic enemy AI ( just enemy movement + death).
Here's a couple of screen shots to show you what I mean by basic:
I hope this helps someone out there. If you feel confused or lost, PM me, and I will do my best to explain it to you!
No credit needed, and feel free to use any of the graphics in this template, or just switch them out for your own graphics!
-RippeR StudioS