Geplayer to write over geplayer

Ideas for Game Editor evolution.

Geplayer to write over geplayer

Postby Clokio » Thu Mar 01, 2012 8:12 pm

When we export, if we have the same file name it dose not write over the old one. In GEplayer it would be nice to have that feature, cause it's always the same name we use to export. So we can't just export, we have to delete the old one, then export. It's just a suggestion to make the workflow faster.
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Re: Geplayer to write over geplayer

Postby skydereign » Thu Mar 01, 2012 8:33 pm

I created a game loader and put that as my geplayer. That way I don't need to overwrite/rename the games, and I can keep them around if I wanted to test them. Just create a keyboard input system and use LoadGame on the string.
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