horizontal scroll bar for script editor please

Ideas for Game Editor evolution.

horizontal scroll bar for script editor please

Postby Kalladdolf » Wed Jan 02, 2008 12:45 pm

you know, it's kinda confusing when I wanna figure out a very long, complicated code that someone wrote in only one line...
then I have to divide it into more lines and then put it back together again...
it would be far more handy if you could just scroll and have a simple look at it =D
please think about this in future versions of GE.
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Re: horizontal scroll bar for script editor please

Postby MrScience101 » Wed Jan 02, 2008 2:48 pm

A horizontal scroll bar would be cool. For now though all you have to do is push the 'end' key to get to the end of a line fast and 'home' key to get back to the start.
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Re: horizontal scroll bar for script editor please

Postby j2graves » Wed Jan 02, 2008 3:09 pm

thanx! I'd never thought about that, but it will be useful in the future for me.
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