Game Editor as Animator

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Game Editor as Animator

Postby mhs12grade1992 » Mon Feb 15, 2010 2:55 am

Hello, guess what? You won't believe it!

I use video capture and Game Editor. I use Game Editor as movie maker. I use it to make movie. I create one project then video capture during Game Mode on. Cool!
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Re: Game Editor as Animator

Postby MrJolteon » Mon Feb 15, 2010 9:23 am

I know. It was actually the very first thing I did with GE.
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Re: Game Editor as Animator

Postby thunderios » Mon Feb 15, 2010 3:34 pm

Me too, I had to make this project for French about my dreams. I had some moving clouds and a flash XD And you could click some buttons to go to different scenes.
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