So the Actor* returned by CreateActor() is just a temporary pointer and can be used to access the newly created actors variables? This is how it seems to me when I try to use it to store the actor in an Actor*.
So how do these functions work?
What kind of pointer do they return? Is it the pointer to the actual actor, or just a temporary placeholder pointer to access the actor?
Could I then store the address of the actor using the get function for later access to the actor?
It seems that the easier method of accessing actors is using their names, or x,y positions. This way you can, as skydereign as mentioned in another post, get the needed actor.
So to store the actor clone name...
Could you do this?
cloneNameArray[x] = CreateActor()->clonename;
Then later when you want to change something in that actor..
Could you do something like this?
getclone(cloneNameArray[x])->variable = value;
How about if I don't know the clone name of an actor but I have the x,y position I want to check... could I do?
type variable = getactor(x,y)->variable
or even change a variable
getactor(x,y)->variable = variable2
or could I just store the actor pointers retrieved for later use?
Such as:
Actor* myActorPtr = getactor(x,y)
Actor* myActorPtr = getclone(clonename)
Then use those pointers to access the Actor directly through:
or even create new pointers or possibly double pointers
Actor* myActorPtr2 = *myActorPtr
Actor** myActorPtr3 = &myActorPtr
So how do these mysterious Actor Pointers really work?