Tutorial step by step Iphone side-scrolling game

Learn how to make certain types of games and use gameEditor.

Tutorial step by step Iphone side-scrolling game

Postby krenisis » Thu Jun 10, 2010 6:35 am

Ok game-makers I know Game Editor is tough to learn and Iam here to make it easier. All my steps will be step by step text tutorial on how to make a side-scrolling adventure game for iphone and windows mobile devices.
Ok now before we begin go ahead start the game editor along the top of screeen where there are gray tabs click on game properties and where you see resolution go ahead and change it to the resolution of your device.I included the game we are covering so you can use it as reference.

Now add these actors to the game using your own graphics or the ones i supply for you. There is a gray add actor command along the top.

We will add the enemy later.
Now go ahead and add animations to each of the actors and for the land actor add 3-4 animations.
Ok good now you completed 10% of the process and set the table up.

Now go to the global code grey tab on the top of screen and click on it
type these words in the large gray space.

now on the bottom of screen you will see the word name type this in that box

Now for the last part go to the grey tab on the bottom of screen and click on variables
A grey box appears where it says name put lefth; then go down to where it says name and put herovar then click add.
Do this for righth; and jumph;
After you finished where it says add next to herovar click on the add button.
The words disappear now click on close. Now your 30% done now that you set the table the real fun begins!!!

TAGS: making iphone game,making windows mobile games,iphone tutorials,windows mobile tutorials,step by step tutorials
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Last edited by krenisis on Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:58 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Tutorial step by step Iphone side-scrolling game

Postby krenisis » Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:17 am

Now we want our main charactor to move onscreen using the buttons.

Click on the actor you named left // click on add// click on mouse down left click // click on add action // click on script editor//
then click on the variables/functions tab and click on change animation a small box appears now follow this carefully and please take your time
Actor: select the name of the actor you want to move
Animation: when you press the button this is the animation you select the actor to face
Direction: just leave this the way it is

After your done click add then it asks immediate action click on that

Click on the actor you named left // click on add// click on mouse up left click // click on add action // click on script editor//


then click add immediate action

Click on the actor you named right // click on add// click on mouse down left click // click on add action // click on script editor//
then click on the variables/functions tab and do the same process but remeber this time your facing right

Now go the to right actor button// click on add// click on mouse up left click // click on add action // click on script editor//

Now for the jump button // click on add// click on mouse down left click // click on add action // click on script editor//
replace the name hero in this code with the name of your actor that you want to jump (thats if you used a different name)

if (jumph==1)

OK now go to the main actor that you want to control // click on add // click on draw actor//click on script editor// copy and paste this


then click add immediate action now on the same actor
Now click on add// click on collision // it should be filled in like this

on any side of
repeat while colliding change to yes
now add action//script editor//copy and paste this

PhysicalResponse(MOVE_EVENT_ACTOR_ONLY, USE_CALCULATED_MASS, 1.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000);

now click add immediate action

Now take a break your almost done now at 80%

TAGS: making iphone game,making windows mobile games,iphone tutorials,windows mobile tutorials,step by step tutorials
Last edited by krenisis on Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tutorial step by step Iphone side-scrolling game

Postby krenisis » Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:46 am

OK now click on view ( the white box) look at the commands where it says parent choose the player your controlling
Now click on each of the buttons and do the same thing.

OK at this point go ahead and click on your land actor . Look at the commands and you should see a clone command click on that. Now it will ask you single or array...click on array,,,next to horizontal you see a 1 change that to 20 and click add. Now go and run your game by clicking game mode . Test byour commands to see if your actor is doing what you want him to do. If something is wrong then check back at the steps if not lets finish this.

Ok now move some of land around the screen by left clicking on it and dragging it. If you want your main actor to jump higher just change the yvelocity to a higher number by clicking on the jump button and then clicking the edit button. Now we are going to add the enemy

Add actor enemy1
click on the enemy and add animations
now click on enemy//click on add//click on draw actor// click on add action// click on script editor// click on variables/functions // look in the list for the command Moveto click on that and make it look like this

Actor: leave this alone
Relative to: to the actor your controlling
Avoid:leave this alone

Now where it has a number 1 change it to a 5

Now click add immediate action

Now click the enemy1 // click on add//click on collision// on any side of ...the actor your playing...add action// click on destroy actor...the actor your playing//click on add

Now you habe a basic run and jump game if the enemy hits you ..you die
That cocludes part1 later we will get more advanced you made it to 100% and Iam really proud of you. Now if you have any questions please ask and if I helped you please hit the point button.

TAGS: making iphone game,making windows mobile games,iphone tutorials,windows mobile tutorials,step by step tutorials
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Re: Tutorial step by step Iphone side-scrolling game

Postby krenisis » Tue Jul 06, 2010 5:19 pm

Reserved space for future development.
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Re: Tutorial step by step Iphone side-scrolling game

Postby zxcvbnm » Sat Sep 04, 2010 9:14 pm

Any questions on tutorial feel free to ask me.
Check out Momo AlienStarcatcher , featured in apples new and noteworthy and has 5 star reviews!!!
http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/momo-ali ... 61779?mt=8
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Re: Tutorial step by step Iphone side-scrolling game

Postby master0500 » Sat Dec 03, 2011 6:40 am

how would i add a jumping animation?
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Re: Tutorial step by step Iphone side-scrolling game

Postby skydereign » Sat Dec 03, 2011 7:59 am

A jumping animation works pretty similarly to any other button. When you press it, you change the player's animation to jump, and set the player's yvelocity. That's all there pretty much is to it.
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Re: Tutorial step by step Iphone side-scrolling game

Postby master0500 » Sat Dec 03, 2011 8:20 am

yes, but when i land the actor is still in the jumping animation
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Re: Tutorial step by step Iphone side-scrolling game

Postby skydereign » Sat Dec 03, 2011 8:23 am

You know the problem you are having, and you know what is supposed to happen. That is, the actor isn't changing its animation back to stand when it collides with the top of the ground. Well, taking that into consideration, all you'd need to do is add a collision event with the top side of the ground, that resets it to stand.
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