APRIL TOURNAMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_ROUND2

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Re: APRIL TOURNAMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_ROUND2

Postby NightOfHorror » Wed Apr 10, 2013 9:01 pm

Well, it is so fast, I think it breaks the barriers, but I could fix it by setting max speed, which I am avoiding.
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Re: APRIL TOURNAMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_ROUND2

Postby bat78 » Wed Apr 10, 2013 9:44 pm

Hahahaha, you have interesting definition for "barriers" =D
You know using physical response is not method for recommendation because if actor have yvel + 10 > floor's physical response with - 10, 1 px/bit AFTER actor is collide.
So if the vel is yvel and xvel +10 for example it will allow on the actor to skip the "barrier" by skipping the first pixels on y and x.

You can use ToAnteriorPosition and it will put the actor if he is with any vel BEFORE the first bit/px and it will stop completely. You can combine with pr tho.

You can use canvas actor, up to the player (circle) and when the ball collide with the canvas, it changes the zdepth and when it is out, it returns.

I checked also, it is not fair - the left and right side are easier. Since your game resolution is higher on x, the down and up player can move more, but that is not enough because the ball's vel grow more faster in xy because that is circle not square and it hits with the xy side. Making left/right side faster to move should repair it?

Got idea for button that select random side.

P.S it does not depends from the speed, it is from the sides.
Also you can use loops or just set an condition to restrict the ball to move with less velocity then lets say 1, because i could eat before it comes once, when the ball was like that.
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Re: APRIL TOURNAMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_ROUND2

Postby NightOfHorror » Wed Apr 10, 2013 9:53 pm

Well, this was an old game, and I know how unfair the game is, but I was cutting corners to finish this game in time.
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Re: APRIL TOURNAMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_ROUND2

Postby bat78 » Wed Apr 10, 2013 9:55 pm

I have the one that Hblade posted x.x
Hey if you give me .ged, i can repair it 100% and add randomize selecting button, it is up to you, i would like to help u with that just for fun.
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Re: APRIL TOURNAMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_ROUND2

Postby NightOfHorror » Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:00 pm

If you want, you could help me with the one I am working on right now, that is basically the same except you play on a circle field instead of a rectangle. You can't work on the old one as the ged for it was on my laptop that currently has a broken screen sadly. You do not know how much I wanted to fix some things about it, but could not.
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Re: APRIL TOURNAMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_ROUND2

Postby bat78 » Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:07 pm

Sorry to hear it. I do play the most that game from all game-editor games so far with is little weird, so i would like to.
Are you making the ball's returning with out of a vision? It causes shaking and stopping ball outside for a while. Well actually anyway let me see and tell me if you have any comments about editing and fixing. Thanks.
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Re: APRIL TOURNAMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_ROUND2

Postby NightOfHorror » Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:16 pm

Are you saying in Ultimate Pong, if the ball passes through the wall, how do I make it return to the field. I think a year ago, I made canvases outside the arena, and in those blocks in each corner since the ball wasn't supposed to, but would go through it. Then if the actor collided, I just made its x and y position near the ball that's canvas wall was hit by the Pong Ball.
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Re: APRIL TOURNAMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_ROUND2

Postby bat78 » Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:23 pm

The one that we talk about (the old version, the one i play). I noticed that sometimes it return with delay, with is typical for out of a vision event. I would prefer just when the ball touch your canvas, the ball return to the center of the terrain, because it will be immediately and it won't make the opponent to loose xP
So anyway, do you prefer to send me the current one in PM or how?
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Re: APRIL TOURNAMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_ROUND2

Postby NightOfHorror » Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:46 pm

Well, I will send by pm because I don't want it released in public. You don't have to do much work though, as this is my entry in the April Tournament and I would feel bad making you work on it all, but if you want, we can be partners and get credit for the game together, so it would be a partner entry. I haven't gotten to work on it as much as I wanted to, but I have added movement, some physical response, which I should have put in script, but it crossed my mine, and I was waiting to add score. Also, I was testing something which really caused the game to glitch out because the ball was moving too slow, and I made it speed up in physical response, but then the barriers stand no chance against it. I have combined ToAnteriorPosition and Physical Response codes to go hand in hand, but I may have deleted them. The ball goes through players a lot more, the ball can stick to the player, and the ColorBorderLines aren't too good at keeping some things out. The name is Ultimate Pong Mega, so I should get 10 points for that under title section. I will add sound, if I find time, I don't know what music goes good with this game, except maybe retro happy music. The graphics I cant imagine will be graded so critically since it is Pong. It also has 3 players to replace the primaries, the secondaries, but their sections are complementary to them with the exception of brown as its section is grey. You will see that there are point lines that contact with ball to score points. It will be the same as before in game-play though with the exception that it is on a circular field, and that may change it a little, I don't know how much. Also the field proportion is larger than the last game, but I have no idea if the sections are the same size as I cut corners when I should not have, but I was lazy when I made the sections. Their is four players again, that you get to choose from, each with their own speed. The AI is not much different, but I think you will the minor difference between players. The originality may not score well because it is very similar to Ultimate Pong, but maybe I can creativity points, I don't know. After all this, I would like to know if you still want to do this?
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Re: APRIL TOURNAMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_ROUND2

Postby bat78 » Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:59 pm

Yes, because i have an idea.
First i want to tell you that game is interesting because her identity, graphics are not important and that game is not retro. Graphics - yes, but the game is offensive, i think a pretty relaxing song combined with pong sounds will be really passed in place and it will sounds good. Retro songs are just really noisy and messy - will make the player to give up or it will probably make him not concentrated, with is important for that game.

But be sure, i can't compose it.
I am best for the graphics and animation and i think to make shockwave
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Re: APRIL TOURNAMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_ROUND2

Postby NightOfHorror » Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:07 pm

I know the game is not retro itself, but I have no idea what songs go with it, when I meant happy retro song, I just don't want it to sound modern too much. I would have to play the game with the song though. Relaxed does sound good. I guess when it is 4 players, you want the song to be in the background, just enough in their head to make someone feel relaxed while playing.
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Re: APRIL TOURNAMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_ROUND2

Postby bat78 » Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:13 pm

If we want to be really exact, the reason why the annoying retro music is made, is because the SNES allows 8bit melodies only ..our game don't have to be like that, so yes relaxing music (not really much) will be good enough.

You made the game pretty simple, but that causes more bugs then the old game (especially all that canvas chain) so please trust me, lets start again and use directional velocity within colliding and use circle actor instead of.. canvas circle
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Re: APRIL TOURNAMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_ROUND2

Postby bat78 » Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:26 pm

They are too much gliches to be fixed, it will be great to start new.
When you using actor's movement in x and y directions you can make it like that:
Code: Select all
char * pkey = GetKeyState();
if (pkey[KEY_RIGHT] == 1 && player.x < player.y) {

if (pkey[KEY_UP] == 1 && player.y < player.x) {
else if (opposide sides.....)..

Havent tested it yet, it is 02:29 here so i have to continue tomorrow, tell me what are you think to do in that time.
*EDIT* Just make an demo how it will move without any canvas actor. I just did it with right/up movement. You can use right to move player right only til he is hit the end of the x side, then you can use up til the up side (it will decrease speed more since you going closer to the end) that is the best way to make it dynamic and cool xP

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Re: APRIL TOURNAMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_ROUND2

Postby NightOfHorror » Thu Apr 11, 2013 8:28 pm

Well, addressing your pm here:

The canvases in the middle, uhh, I exactly don't know why I decided to waste my time there. I know there is simpler ways. The canvases on the outside, I do have a reason for them. That is why I have them. Of course I can delete alot of them, but I was having fun there. Also, your demo shows it when you have the whole circle as your playing field. Mine is only an arc of the circle. The problems and canvases are because the enemy and player does not like the section borders, but if you had the whole circle as your playing field, the game would have a lot less problems, but then that would ruin the point of it.

The graphics should look like the previous game's graphics, they are circle. I am not going to try to shade them as I am not good at shading. If you volunteer for shading them, be my guest, but I am not able to shade.

Thanks for looking at it. :)
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Re: APRIL TOURNAMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_ROUND2

Postby NightOfHorror » Thu Apr 11, 2013 8:29 pm

10 more DAYS til the games are due.
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