Exactly. I have compiled the gameEngine project in both modes: $(Professional) and also $(Standalone_Pro)
Is the gameeditor.exe file created in standalone_pro, the same as gameEditorWindows.exe?
Do I need to rename gameEditor.exe to gameEditorWindows.exe so that I can then use CreateEngines()?
I am trying to create gameEditorWindows.exe and then get it to go into windows.bin
Thank you as always.
56 To Compile the engines on Windows:
58 In the Visual Studio 2008, choose the version you want to compile:
60 - View->Property Manager
61 - In gameEditor project , _BaseConfiguration of any configuration, in the User Macros put the configuration you want in the VersionType.
62 The configurations are: Professional and Standalone_Pro
63 For compile the engines, use: VersionType = $(Standalone_Pro)
65 - To compile the Pocket PC engine, select the 'Pocket PC 2003 (ARMV4)' configuration (you need to to get the PocketHAL library at
67 - To make a Pocket PC compilation works in the Pocket PC 2002, uses: /subsystem:windowsce,3.00 /MACHINE:ARM
68 In the MSVC 2008, this flag is not working so, the genarated executable have the windowsce 5.00 subsystem.
69 To solve this issue, you need a Portable Executable editor (PE Editor) to change the follow configuration in the Optional Header to:
71 - OS Major Version: 0004
72 - SubSys Major Version: 0003
74 - To compile for the GP2X select the 'Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)' configuration (you need to install the Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK for Pocket PC and have the devkitpro installed (
76 - Build the gameEditor project (not the wxGameEditor project)
78 - Use the GameControl::CreateEngines() function to create the bin files from the compiled executables:
79 transforma os arquivos .exe em .bin compactados:
81 gameEditorWindows.exe -> bin\\windows.bin
82 gameEditorPocket.exe -> bin\\pocketpc.bin
83 gameEditorLinux -> bin\\linux.bin
84 gameEditorPocket.exe.gpe -> bin\\gp2x.bin
88 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////