GE doesn't like my exe

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GE doesn't like my exe

Postby Troodon » Fri Dec 28, 2007 10:35 pm

Good evening,
I tried to load my an exe file with GE and it said "error loadgame! myfile.exe isn't correct game file". So this means GE loads only other exe files created by it? Is there a reason why it's like that?
(in exported version it just quits the game when I try to load)

EDIT: Just fixed an stupid typo. :)
Last edited by Troodon on Fri Dec 28, 2007 11:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: GE doesn't like my exe

Postby Rux » Fri Dec 28, 2007 11:39 pm

Did you try making it myfile.exe instead?
I'm not good at coming up with signatures...
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Re: GE doesn't like my exe

Postby Troodon » Fri Dec 28, 2007 11:51 pm

Damn, I made a stupid typing error in my post. Of course I used myfile.exe in my loadgame function. :D
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Re: GE doesn't like my exe

Postby Bee-Ant » Sat Dec 29, 2007 2:58 am

You'll never could load .exe file with .ged file...both files must be exported to .exe first...

EDIT : or...another exe?such as gameeditor_setup.exe :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: GE doesn't like my exe

Postby Troodon » Sat Dec 29, 2007 1:18 pm

Yeah, I tried to load an nonGE-exe file with GE-exported exe file.
You can try yourself with that gameeditor_setup.exe. It will not load it. GE seems to accept only exe files created by GE. :wink:
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Re: GE doesn't like my exe

Postby Kalladdolf » Sat Dec 29, 2007 8:30 pm

tekdino wrote:EDIT: Just fixed an stupid typo. :)

and you made another one :lol:
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Re: GE doesn't like my exe

Postby Troodon » Fri Jan 04, 2008 9:37 am

:| No answers?
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Re: GE doesn't like my exe

Postby Kalladdolf » Fri Jan 04, 2008 9:53 am

tekdino wrote:GE seems to accept only exe files created by GE.

seems like that...
I would be amazed if it would load the .exe of Worms 3d =D
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Re: GE doesn't like my exe

Postby Troodon » Fri Jan 04, 2008 10:00 am

But my brain says all it has to do is open it like the system default.
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Re: GE doesn't like my exe

Postby Bee-Ant » Fri Jan 04, 2008 10:09 am

Hey, in this section, your logic cant play well :roll:
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Re: GE doesn't like my exe

Postby Troodon » Mon Jan 07, 2008 5:09 pm

Actually GE can also open url web address...without turning into web browser. It just opens it like the system would open the url.
Then why it can't open every kind of exe (and other) files?

The biggest reason I'm asking is that I'm building a new security system to my computer. Currently I have only password (which can be removed with terminal (command prompt) or even viewed with unix based boot discs). Then I have also one noobish start up program (my own) which recloses the computer if I don't abort the closing quickly enough. (I set it to 15 seconds)
But with GE I could make an almost hack proof (people could unfortunetaly still access my computer by creating new account from dos and then hacking from that account) security system which would be startup and based on visual confirmation which only I would know. Then when the hacker fails the GE exe would open batch or exe file that just closes the computer. It would be very very secure. Especially when I will find how to disable (or blur) the boot process menus. :)

Makslane, is the exe limitation planned or is it a bug?
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Re: GE doesn't like my exe

Postby makslane » Mon Jan 07, 2008 5:30 pm

Game Editor was not designed to open other executable files, only to deal with games created with Game Editor.
Game Editor is an open source game creator software that's wants to pay it's developers to keep evolving.
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Re: GE doesn't like my exe

Postby Troodon » Mon Jan 07, 2008 5:31 pm

Ah ok. Thanks for reply! :D
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Re: GE doesn't like my exe

Postby Bee-Ant » Tue Jan 08, 2008 5:03 am

Like what I'd said...your logic cant play well :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: GE doesn't like my exe

Postby Troodon » Tue Jan 08, 2008 3:42 pm

:lol: Ok...lizard killer. :lol:
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