A message to everyone

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A message to everyone

Postby again » Mon Mar 07, 2011 4:16 pm

I see alot of people dreaming that a developer will come in and make 6-7 ports. Honestly the knowledge it takes to make one port is immense . Its takes special talent to make a port such as Akr and Makslane. There are only 10-12 ports to iphone and Akr was one of the few in the world who could do it. Understand I said few in the WORLD ,have that amount of talent.
When Akr 1st showed up he also showed us his bio and what he accomplished before. So there was trust from the beginning , no one had doupt. He showed the ability to do it and he did it. Akr didnt post in the forums often , but when he did it was important and amazing.

Now I see people signing up claiming they posses similar ability. No proffessional comes on any website and makes claims they can do this or that. If they do they will show a resume and tell you specifically what they hope to accomplish. When they speak they dont waste words and the words have purpose not meaningless babble. How Iam I supposed to believe someone can make a flash port if they dont have any accomplishments to speak of?
Now the reason I get upset at these fakers is that some people here will get thier hopes up only to be disappointed. Also if we allow this type of nonsense , scammers will start comming and then we really will have problems. But from the responses I seen from most of you , you like to be fooled. So I wont bother posting in those topics , as I be wasting my time. This is just to let you guys in here know where Iam comming from.
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