jazz -report ... My Wish List

Ideas for Game Editor evolution.

jazz -report ... My Wish List

Postby jazz_e_bob » Thu Jul 08, 2004 6:58 am

My wish list is based on production speed.
All items here are where things slow down for me. :cry:

Open last project at startup (eliminates the same 8 mouse clicks everytime I edit my game)

Script Editor

The current script editor is evil. :twisted: Although GE can do heaps of things as actions/events - scripting is a powerful tool and should not be overlooked.

Access to actor/variables/function buttons in global script editor.


That's it really. No bug fixes - just features.

(I would even be happy to re-register if I could have these functions.)

So M, how is 1.3 coming along? :wink:
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Postby makslane » Fri Jul 09, 2004 12:16 pm

Will be done...
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Postby Just4Fun » Fri Jul 09, 2004 10:20 pm

You know Jazz,
I hope that someday, the script editor will be a smooth and powerful C Language editor. I don't like scripting much, but the neat thing about Makslane and his GE creation is the way he/it helps the user to gently learn the C Language. GE is, in some ways, a little like a tutorial for C. Of course, it has many more authoring bells and whistles than the average scripting language.The way that GE presents scripting makes sense to a non professional like me. That is a rarity in these days of techno-jargon. I've gotten so I use the editor a lot and though I do whine,complain, and get just plain grumpy about some of its rough edges(my complaints are roughly the same as yours), I have come to think of the script editor as GE's heart. When Makslane refines it, it will be a great addition to an already outstanding program.
Another thing that I hope Makslane continues to do is make GE like a graphics program. GE is so comfortable to learn because somehow it makes me feel like I'm using a program like PaintshopPro. I love the way that the graphics are such an intregal part of the program.
I just wish that we could get a few more paying users around the forum. Wouldn't it be great if GE could be sold at Comp-USA, Bestbuy, Future Shop, or whatever places carry software in each of our respective countries?
Just babbling on... :wink:
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