You remind me of sgt.sparky o.o
If the only way the computer can get the item it needs is by digging through all the piled up artifacts then it will slow down your game. But if you have a sorted list, any time the computer needs something it will be sitting on or near the top at all times.
HitoV wrote:If the only way the computer can get the item it needs is by digging through all the piled up artifacts then it will slow down your game. But if you have a sorted list, any time the computer needs something it will be sitting on or near the top at all times.
That summed it up well for meMan, that sounds complex, I spent the day looking through some of yalls programs (Evan and Gag.) (BTW, howdy from Texas, LOL.) Anyway, its such intense stuff, if I take everything step by step I can understand most of it but there are just a few things I am like... what the hell?!?! And then I have to turn and ask my cat... which results in... well, nothing. Good stuff, thanks for the enlightenment!
EvanBlack wrote:I would like to use bit shift but I feel that's too advanced but can be processor heavy if not used properly, a lot of math.
0000 0000 1111 1111 0111 1111 0100 0000
|-blank-| |--Red--| |-Green-| |-Blue--|
short unsigned int intl=(sizeof(int)*8)-32;
short unsigned int intl=(sizeof(int)*8)-32;
const unsigned int CT_red=16711680;
const unsigned int CT_dark_red=8323072;
const unsigned int CT_light_red=16744319;
const unsigned int CT_green=65280;
const unsigned int CT_dark_green=32512;
const unsigned int CT_lightgreen=8388479;
const unsigned int CT_blue=255;
const unsigned int CT_dark_blue=127;
const unsigned int CT_light_blue=8355839;
const unsigned int CT_white=16777215;
const unsigned int CT_light_gray=12566463;
const unsigned int CT_gray=8355711;
const unsigned int CT_dark_gray=4210752;
const unsigned int CT_black=0;
HitoV wrote:Thanks dudes!
Gag: I just might have some questions to ask about space travalarYeah it does not run very fast but what is does is simply amazing to me.
HitoV wrote:edit: Sadly it didn't actually seem to make any difference.
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 ||1||0||0||0| == 8
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