title says it im creating a rpg template now i want to focus on the main scripting not all the flashy polished stuff right now which everyone wants to see the polished stuff but creating a rpg template for people to use to make games from is a cumbersome project to say the least but i've gotten alot of the harder things out of the way not that there isn't still hard things to do..
so i thought since it's a template and the GE users would be the ones using it why not in effect just have the community donate anything that they feel is useful in an rpg, just send it my way and i'll add it in!
Super Sonic has dibbs on first donation, with his joystick engine
now i do work on this everyday for a couple hours when im not working at my real job
with that said i can't get to updates except on thursdays, fridays, and saturdays as thats the only time i have time to get on here so be patient on your stuff being added in..
executable versions of the mapping and gameplay engines are available here:
actual .ged's will be realeased at a more polished stage be patient
i know Game_a_Gogo and hblade should definetly check it out considering it's partly theirs
ps: it be nice to hear the community's views on my work thus far it would mean alot as i love this community so instead of just 71 views how bout 71 posts