Enhance and adjust the text settings feature

Ideas for Game Editor evolution.

Enhance and adjust the text settings feature

Postby BeyondtheTech » Tue Jul 19, 2005 6:19 am

Game Editor Pro's simple ability to provide anti-alias text (especially on the Pocket PC) makes any game look more refined, even compared to commercial games on the market that don't have it.

I would like to be able to control the text a little further by adjusting the spacing between characters, even allow forcing a fixed width as to make any TrueType font have perfect character alignment, such as Terminal or Courier New.

Also, the line spacing when I use the \n feature is sometimes too far from one line to the other. While that may be a fault of the TrueType font itself, it would be a nice feature to force a fixed height for the next line as well.

Lastly, the ability to configure existing font settings would be great. Unfortunately, once you select the parameters for your font, it can't be changed, and you're forced to go through all the steps of selecting the font, size, color, style, etc. It gets quite tedious, especially if you don't know what exactly you want and you have to guess at it continuously. I'd like to be able to go back and choose a different color or size without having to go through all the steps. I've got 300 TrueType fonts active and about 2000 on standby, so it can be a chore.

Also, it would be great if I could access the non-active TrueType fonts in another folder other than \Windows\Fonts, that would save me the headache of manually installing the font, testing it out, then removing it if it's no good.
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Postby makslane » Tue Jul 19, 2005 5:00 pm

In my task list!

Also, it would be great if I could access the non-active TrueType fonts in another folder other than \Windows\Fonts, that would save me the headache of manually installing the font, testing it out, then removing it if it's no good.

You can just select other directory
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