by Kalladdolf » Thu May 28, 2009 1:03 pm
C/C++ isn't too hard to learn. Game Editor more than supports you in doing so.
Some positive things about C++ that might cheer you up:
- It can be used to create small and simple games (obviously, just take a look at the Game Demos forum).
- On the other hand, Sims was also created with C++.
- More than that, C/C++ is commonly known as a hacker's language (meaning, you can do almost EVERYTHING with it, with the required knowledge that is).
- In fact, C is a universal programming language, meaning that it is just as efficient (or even more efficient than) e.g. Ada, Basic, Cobol, Fortran, Java, Lisp, Modula-2, Pascal, prolog etc.
I don't think Phyton would be such a good choice if C actually is what you want.
You know, just like Fuzzy said, no programming language gets learned in one day (except for LOLcode maybe).
Learning Phyton would take extra effort, more stuff to learn (if you were willing to do it, that'd be okay, but judging by your post, I don't think that is the case).
Generally it isn't a bad idea to know more than one programming language, but the question is: Do you really need it?
I mean, C is easy to learn (and even easier with GE provided), though it does take more than a week to learn the whole of it.
If you are so good at breaking down complex stuff, C is the perfect programming language for you. (Either way it is.)
GE provides an awesome user interface which doesn't make you feel the complex programming bit at first (you just click together events and actions).
But as you get into it more and more, you will take your first shots at the code ( example: x = x + 5; makes the actor go right). And that's not at all complicated (!).
It'll get a little more complicated and powerful every step of the way and the good thing is: You can experiment and test your game without compiling it all the time. Just mess around with GE and you'll get as far as some of our smarter community members (*** for instance).
Anyway, I'm wishing you the best of luck and hope I made sense.