Using sprites from spritesheet?

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Using sprites from spritesheet?

Postby MilloCz » Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:59 am

Is it possible to use spritesheet like this one without separating it to 500 000 smaller pictures?
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Re: Using sprites from spritesheet?

Postby schnellboot » Wed Jul 27, 2011 9:05 am

you can orientate them into a grid
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Re: Using sprites from spritesheet?

Postby savvy » Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:11 pm

with a little more explanation than schnnellboot:

organize the sprites so that they are evenly placed out, then load them into game-editor, GE should automatically find the frames (if not use the manual vertical/horizontal things). from this you can then make animations using the 'add sequence' function.

to use this just input the frames you need in the animation.. for example...
this would be mega-mans spawn animation!

hope this helps!

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