My life ON GE

Game Editor comments and discussion.

My life ON GE

Postby NightOfHorror » Wed Feb 12, 2014 2:14 am

I decided to start something, up to you if you decide to share your life on GE as well, but pretty much I will say my life on GE.

I have always wanted to make video games, for the longest time I wanted to own a video game company. In the year of 2010, when I was 12, before school started that year, in the month of August to be exact, I stumbled upon Game Editor. Before this though, I found Game Maker, and tried to make games with it, but just felt it was limited due to the fact that you had to pay for the pro version, money that I didn't, and still don't, have. Therefore I moved on and looked for other game making programs, and that is when I found this. I looked through the Games and Demos sections, but still didn't go on the forums. Winter Blast inspired me to try this out, but I was afraid that my parents would get mad at me, so I decided to wait until my urges to make games was too much for me to handle so I downloaded it, and got confused as soon as I opened this up.

This is what prompted me to go on the forums, and I joined in August as SquirmMaster. That icon you see with NightOfHorror, that is an evil common squirm, regulars are just white with black dots in the middle. They were my creation in kindergarten and I couldn't part with them. I was pretty stupid, and posted stupidity, like I do now, but it was even stupider.

Here was my first post on Game Editor as a whole:
By SquirmMaster: Nice game, I have only played it for 10 minutes and I'm already into it. :D Oh and I am new here, I am planning on making a game when I understand how this works.

Sadly, something happened and the account couldn't be accessed, not because I was banned though, so I made a 2nd account named PieOnGravyEqualDeath, don't ask why, I was in a phase. Sadly, this too would be un-accessable, so I made a 3rd account and gave myself the name, NightOfHorror. I wanted to make a game called NightOfHorror, where you went through a world, that was always night, and went through graves, and mansions, and online. I tried to start many projects, too big for me of course. Attack of the Evil Squirms was the first post I had on this account, and I didn't go through with that of course. My first real big project was The Challenge, in which I tried to start a game, also too big for me, but I wanted to make it a group project, and that is where I also had my first noob moment where I argued with DST- viewtopic.php?f=4&t=8967&p=62475#p62475 link to the full topic

Also, I was a bit radical at the age of 12, as I decided we should attack Game Maker and beat them in a showdown, wasn't my best idea- viewtopic.php?f=1&t=9033&p=62981#p62981

My first of the 2 games I have made on GE, Tennis, a game like Pong, but with Tennis graphics. Sadly I lost the file in time as it error'ed out, and I left it forever... oh well. Did I mention I have only made 2 complete games on here.

I did want to help the community though at one point and made something called CodeDummy, my failure of a set of tutorials.
This is the topic that started it all for me in reality though- viewtopic.php?f=4&t=9112&p=63504#p63504 Ignore the stupidity of my rpg relations to real life, but right here is when I started Trip to Mars, TTM for short, although I have never finished it, that is probably the game that I would be most associated with as well, that is all I did, it isn't like it was good, but I did have big dreams for it.

If you looked at my profile, you would see the topic I posted in the most was Winter Blast Remax. Over 100 of my posts are in that topic. Most of the time I spent trying to give Bee-Ant idea's for quests. Another thing I did was try to revive dead projects, 2 I revived for a short while, SNORKY, which has been cancelled, and Sims2D, which went on for a while after its revival.

Now the biggest thing I probably have committed to in these forums is the monthly tournaments which all started in 2012 with the April tournament- viewtopic.php?f=4&t=9112&p=63504#p63504 These are my pride and joy and I love them. Also it is where I made my second game, Ultimate Pong. :) Oh wait both games I made were Pong games, yeah... not the best out there. :P

Although I have been on GE for 3 years and a half basically, it has felt like a day. My memories here are for the most part fond, and I am proud to be part of this community. Although now I need to punch a wall again, as for some reason I am getting emotional while I make this comment, knowing how much has happened, and how many games, and how many users, have been on GE since I joined :cry: . I just wanted to say to all newbies feeling sad, or discouraged, look at me. I have only made 2 games, so if you need someone to realize you aren't the worst, look at me ;) . I don't know what exactly what made me start this thread, but I felt like posting it. Now I would like to see maybe another person who has been on GE for a while to maybe tell their life story on GE.

Now for the final part of this thread, I would like to think everyone who has inspired me throughout my time to get me in where I am today in GE

-makslane (that is a given)
-Bee-Ant (The one that made me choose GE)
-lcl (a good, friendly person that shows me what being a GE member is about)
-krenisis (helped me a lot when I began, although he isn't on anymore, I hope we all still remember the help he gave)
-MrJolteon (A good person to talk to in GE, showed me a few cool things, showed me there is a life to the members outside GE)
-master0500 (Not really on, but he helped me time to time, was a judge in the first tournament)
-HBlade (Another good man that shows what being a member is about, made some great games, great person altogether)
-DarkParadox (Good help to many users)
-DST (Set me straight in the beginning)
-DBGames (In my first real project, he tried to take an active role, gave me hope in GE projects)
-Wertyboy (showed me what true progression is in GE)
-GameAGogo (real advanced programmer, helped me a bit)
-skydereign (obviously how can I not include him, he is the biggest help someone can get and allows you to ask him the dumbest questions ever without making you feel stupid)
-Mario (Yeah I said it, this Italian Plumber was the guy from my childhood that made me decide that video games would be the field I went in)
-Ge Community as a whole (Yes, thanks for being so friendly, and this really is like a small town where everybody knows each other)

I wish you all the luck in your future.

a.k.a- Michael Joseph Robertson, SquirmMaster
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"I have not failed. I just found 10,000 ways that wont work." quoted by Thomas Edison.
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Re: My life ON GE

Postby LeeFesler » Wed Feb 12, 2014 2:44 am

My life with GE

Ever since I was like 4 or 5 I was introduced to video games. As a child I had never seen anything more fascinating than that. It was just being able to control the events of what I was seeing on the t.v. I loved the N64 and GameCube the most. The best systems I've ever seen for the time. I would always ask, "how's it doing that?" "Why does it do that?" and no one explained to me so it became a burning flame inside that made me just want to figure it out.

Come my 12th birthday I had done spent probably half my life in front of a gaming console fascinated by what I saw and constant improvements on it. At the time I lived with my holy religious grandparents who hated games and despised them so I didn't have a system and neither did my brother. I always played at friends houses.

Christmas 2010 they finally bout us an Xbox 360 and I never been so happy in my life till then. But come my rwbelipusnteenage phase, things happened and my grandparents couldn't handle it, so they sent me to my dads. And I know he loves me but he's beyond unsupporting of any decision I make.

He knew my fascination and soon bout me my own Xbox with Xbox live and everything. I was proud of what I had but I constantly asked myself how in the hell it works!!! Lol so after 8th grade year I decided I'd try to find out myself. I didn't have a computer or anything. So my dads friend got me a customized Dell laptop from 2002 that I still use. And I Right away started looking up how it was done and learned about coding and it became interesting to me.

I soon started to study Actionscript in flash, and just kept learning more and more, and soon got around to C and C++. But I then found Game Editor with a few keywords about it, about a year ago, and was so interested in it, and just thought it WS to good to be free. It was better than many pro programs!! I loved it. But as soon as I started figuring things out, I'd show ,y dad so proud of what I had done, I'd have my dad come look, and he would tell me how that ain't nothing, how its like nothing and how I won't get good at it and stuff.

Fast forward 6 or 7 more months and I finally created my first "game" and had never been happier ,y whole life. Like never. But as soon as I showed my dad, he told me it was horrible and how its shit and no one would play it. I was crushed. So I didn't upload it to here for like a month. And I was nervous then. I browsed e forums for like 4 months solid and wanted to wait till I had something I deemed worthy. And what others would say.

But I quickly realized that everyone on here shares the exact same dream to me and it makes me not feel,.. alone I guess. That others can have faith in me. I don't listen to my dad and just take opinions from you all Cuz you all are great and I believe in everyone here. If the want is great, you will succeed friends. Games are the future and we are making it. Let's be proud of each other. :)

Thanks guys for the support I got. It makes me want to learn more and try harder. And I will. :) and that's my story. :)
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Re: My life ON GE

Postby NightOfHorror » Wed Feb 12, 2014 3:08 am

Thank you for posting that, and yes, I understand parents may not be the most supportive at times. That is when you prove them wrong. :)
"I have not failed. I just found 10,000 ways that wont work." quoted by Thomas Edison.
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Re: My life ON GE

Postby LeeFesler » Wed Feb 12, 2014 4:15 am

Its Cuz I respect the fact you did it first! :D haha, I wouldn't had the guts to have if you didn't first. XD but your right. I'm out in two years then its just me to follow my dreams. And I hope you get everything you desire dude. :D
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Re: My life ON GE

Postby makslane » Wed Feb 12, 2014 10:48 am

Great post :-)
This make me smile :-)
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Re: My life ON GE

Postby DeltaLeeds » Wed Feb 12, 2014 11:58 am

Excellent thread NoH. Hmmm I'm not good at explaining stuff like this, but I'll have a shot.
I tried gE since early 2010. I was really desperate at making games, but I didn't understand anything about programming, and I didn't know how to use gE, so I ignored it. A month before I joined, I stumbled upon it again. I got curious on how this .exe actually made games. I searched about games made by game editor, and I was pretty surprised to find some. So, I opened the .exe, and somehow I just noticed "Tutorial". I watched it, but it could get a bit buggy at times. After watching the tutorials, I understood some stuff and tried to make something. I was really proud of making my first successful game (I wouldn't call it a game anyway.), which was called Pacman thing, it was basically just a moving pacman which could jump around and eat diamonds. The diamonds were made by another pacman. xD

So, after understanding the ball collision tutorial and stuff, I started to get serious, I joined the forums that time, and made my very first post: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=10475&p=71913#p71913 (I was extremely lazy, so I wanted to make a topic where everyone answered my questions in a single topic. ROFL) I started my game dimension escape that time.

What made me love the forums and gE of course was the good ol' chatroom. I met many people there, some of which I still chat with everyday. What I play and do in gE are really thanks to the chatroom. The chatroom was what made me meet MrJolteon, Wertyboy, Game a gogo, Bee-Ant and of course Skydereign. MrJolteon made me play minecraft, terraria, and 90% of what I like to play now. He also helped me a lot in my early gE life, along with Wertyboy, who is a fun person to chat with too. Me, Jolt and Werty chat a lot until now using teamviewer (Which Jolt introduced me to.) I used to always wait for Skydereign when he was active in the chatroom. I even waited for 6 hours, waiting for a message sound to appear. When he is online, I always ask him stuff I really need to know.

I also used to post a lot in the forums, and I even joined NoH's early competitons as a judge.I was also good friends with good ol' Bee Ant. I chatted with him in facebook and helped him scout bugs in WBR.

After some months of happiness in the gEF, I got depressed because my school marks were at a free fall, and because of that I left gE for a whole year. I rejoined gE during the holidays, which was thanks to MrJolteon and teamviewer. When I saw Jolt using gE for developing Free City, I just remembered that I used to use it. I opened it again, and to my surprise, I remembered what I used to know in gE a year ago, which made me use it again. I also went back to the forums that time, and made new posts.

The first game I made and released was Bombs Away, which clearly was a bad game (Especially because of the lack of GUI xD), as it was just to make me remember about stuff I was taught in gE a year ago. Well, that's about it, now I'm developing my second game. xD (I suck at endings and introductions.)

I thank the following for making a gE life for me possible.
Makslane- Makslane is obviously the top of my list for making gE, which is still my favourite .exe in the world, and for making me meet all the awesome gE members. If I didn't, my life would be different. (I never would have played minecraft, knew gE, or even be in this awesome forum. Maybe I would just use my computer for projects in homework if it wasn't for Makslane, and I'd never would have been interested in programming either.)
Skydereign- If I didn't credit him, I forgot who made me able to use most codes I know in gE. What I admire about Skydereign is that he is a really active and helpful member of the forums, and also in gE development.
MrJolteon- One of the first people I met in the chatroom, and until now is one of my best friends. Also the one who made me come back to gE after leaving for a year.
Wertyboy- Also one of the first people I met in the chatroom and is still one of my best friends .He teached me about stuff in gE, and tested my games all the way, no matter how bad or annoying it was. :D
Bee-Ant- For making the nostalgic game, Winter Blast, and also for helping me, and being a great pal to chat with! :D
NightOfHorror- One of the things like about the forums are the competitons NoH makes. I also find NoH to be a fun fellow in the forums. This topic of yours also made me reflect my life in gE again, and I appreciate you making this topic! ;)
Zoli- For helping me in some code in gE, being a great friend, and introducing me to... "For he's a ZOLI good fellow".
DarkParadox- For making the useful GUIs and code for gE. :D
lcl- For being fun, active and helping me out in the forums. :D
Surely, there are plenty of other people I have to credit, but I can't put them all in this post. So, yeah that's my gE life.
Currently: Semi-Active.
Working on: Maybe putting my test games in gamejolt, polishing them a bit, but I still don't know when.
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Re: My life ON GE

Postby LeeFesler » Wed Feb 12, 2014 12:50 pm

Thanks for shareing man. :)
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Re: My life ON GE

Postby NightOfHorror » Wed Feb 12, 2014 9:13 pm

I really appreciate you guys taking the time to post here, and I am glad we could make you smile mak after all you gave us. :)
I like this as it shows me the perspectives of everyone around me in GE, and it is really heart-warming to see. :D
"I have not failed. I just found 10,000 ways that wont work." quoted by Thomas Edison.
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Re: My life ON GE

Postby lcl » Wed Feb 12, 2014 10:18 pm

This is a great topic! It was awesome to get to read about your lives with GE, everybody.
And makslane, it's so great to see you here!

Now.. here's my story.

I've always been interested in making my imaginations come alive in different ways.
When I was younger, I used to draw a lot, and I still draw occasionally. I also play two instruments and sing. And I've always liked writing, too. Someone would call me a creative person, but for myself, it's just something I like to do, or even need to do. I need to express myself and my feelings through creating something. Around the age of 10 I got interested in making games. And I made quite a lot board games of my own at that time.

Some years later, when I was about 12 years old, I got more interested in computers and wanted to learn to uset them to create something. I then began playing around with some html-coding. And then, in 2009 when I was 14, the idea of making video games by myself popped up in my head for the first time. I then searched for a way to make my own video game using my good old windows xp. I stumbled upon a tutorial of making text games, and I tried to make one, but didn't succeed, since I should've downloaded some exterior file to get the game to function, and afterall, I wasn't that interested in making text games, I wanted to make some real games. I then continued searching, and then I found a list of free game making tools from the site of a finnish computer-related magazine. I stared at the list and there was this one program called Game Editor, that they said doesn't require the user to know anything about coding, but allows one to use it to make more features for their games. That made me interested in GE, it seemed that I could start with no programming experience and then by using GE, learn some programming while making games. That's when I downloaded Game Editor.

I then played with Game Editor a lot. Practically, there wasn't a day when I wasn't using GE or at least talking about it. My first attempt at creating a game with GE was a simple TAG-game where there was three round characters that were controllable via keyboard. So it was a 3 player game xD Quite quickly after that game I started working on what would become my first upload to Game Editor forum. That was the "Elephant Game", or as in finnish, "Norsupeli". I joined the forum at the beginning of the year 2010, and posted my game demo here just a few days after joining. My first post on the forum was this: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=8119&p=56699#p56699 (first post, first grammatical mistake XD). And it was my second post when I showed the "Elephant Game" to all the people on the forum: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=8125

Joining to the forum really boosted my interest towards Game Editor a lot. I became addicted to it, and couldn't really live a day without searching through all the games and demos people had posted, and looking at how they were made. And of course, I was continuously trying my hand at different things programming-wise. I was always interested in trying to make different and more challenging things with Game Editor. And I think that was really the thing that made me learn so fast. I was continuously challenging myself to learn something new, and didn't just settle with doing the same stuff again and again. That has been characteristic for me all my life - I always want to do something different and not just repeat the old things as I get bored pretty easily if everything is always the same. I also watched Hblade's Tutochao's tutorials and they taught me a lot about the basics of Game Editor.

My constant need of trying different things of course caused most of my projects to die when the basic game engine was ready and there was nothing else left than to create more levels. Just adding new levels was too repetitive and boring for me, I preferred coding and learning stuff. :mrgreen:

Then in 2011 I finally did it. I completed a game. This game was Dimension 55355, a simple platformer with a simple character trapped in another dimension wishing to get back to his home world. Making that game really showed me that I can stick to a project if I just really want and that I can get through that boring yet actually very difficult part of game making called level design. The game has 30 levels that consist of 86 rooms in total. Link: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=10333

My second completed game was Funny Heads, a puzzle game in which you have to make stupid looking blocks with faces to explode. XD That game I made in a few days. I still like the game but there is so much more I could have added to it to make it way more interesting to play. Maybe I'll remake it some day, who knows? Link: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=10830

And then there's a whole list of game demos and abandoned projects:

Run Escape! (viewtopic.php?f=6&t=8323)
Textland (viewtopic.php?f=6&t=8426)
Game of the Lost Land (viewtopic.php?f=4&t=8491)
Angry potatoes! (viewtopic.php?f=4&t=8595)
Rock - Paper - Scissors (viewtopic.php?f=6&t=8917)
Snorky (This is one of the games NightOfHorror tried to revive) (viewtopic.php?f=6&t=8989)
Stitch Experiment 626 (viewtopic.php?f=4&t=9044)
Runners! (viewtopic.php?f=4&t=9382&view=viewpoll)
Little world (viewtopic.php?f=4&t=9584)
lcl OS (viewtopic.php?f=4&t=10431)
Resolutionary (viewtopic.php?f=6&t=10570)
Web Friend: (viewtopic.php?f=6&t=10845)
Worm War: (viewtopic.php?f=4&t=12512)
Shopler: (viewtopic.php?f=4&t=12921)
(And there is actually a lot more games and demos I never posted to forum.)

And here I am now, Sabre has been in development over a year, and even if the progress is slow at times, it's going forward and I know that the day will come when Sabre 2.0 will be uploaded to the forum with the World editor included. And Sabre webpage will also be online by then. :D

I scrolled through all my posts (XD) when searching those games and demos, and I came to realize that time goes _VERY_ fast. Many projects I thought were from last year, were already four years old. O.o That's a lot of time..

People I want to thank:

- makslane: of course, for making the best game making tool ever graced this world :wink: and also for founding this great community
- Hblade: this user here has been one of my biggest idols on this forum. When I came here he was posting all the time something I was simply amazed about. This guy is probably the nicest person you've ever seen on this forum. And he really deserves my thankfulness also for making Tutochao tutorials that pretty much explained me the basics of GE and got me to understand how this program basically works.
- Camper1995: camper isn't active anymore, but when he was here, he was one of my best friends . We shared one project, but it never got finished.
- Jagmaster: a great fellow, very talented graphics artist with whom I've shared a couple of unfinished projects, and one project that will be finished.
- Bee-Ant: for being a great idol for me when it comes to coding
- DST: this guy is a multitalent, he can make amazing graphics and perfect music. And he is a wizrd with code, and that's what I'm thanking him for - for sharing his codes for everyone to see and learn from.
- pyrometal: I've learnt so much from his codes, especially from the game Gelman, which was a jawdropper for me. His games have also inspired me strongly. My games Textland and Dimension 55355 have obvious resemblances to his games Mazeman and Gelman.
- NightOfHorror: for trying to resue Snorky =D Who knows if we'll some day see Snorky return from death to save this world from the black hole that threatens to eat everything. Seriously, NightOfHorror joined a little after I did, and he has grown a lot. Actually, this guy is way more mature than I am XD Organizes great tournaments and does his best to encourage all users of GE.
- And a LLOTT other users, too numerous for my weak brain to remember. I want to especially thank everyone who has encouraged me to continue working with Sabre, I would probably have given up with the project a long time ago if it wasn't for all the positive feedback and interest people are showing towards it!

EDIT: added Worm War and Shopler to the game demos list.
Last edited by lcl on Tue Feb 18, 2014 4:24 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: My life ON GE

Postby LeeFesler » Wed Feb 12, 2014 11:05 pm

So you pretty much started out with the same dream? :) trying to leqnt more and figure out more. :D haha. I give you credit thou. You are really good at what you do and just gifted at it. Its insane. And I hope with SABRE you figure out how to do skyboxes and multiple levels like stairs. XD lol that'd be sooooo sick. But its nice to know a little about you all. :)
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Re: My life ON GE

Postby NightOfHorror » Thu Feb 13, 2014 12:26 am

nah, lcl, I will have to disagree, I feel you are more mature then me in a lot of ways, and are insightful when you speak, but thanks for sharing. :) Oh yeah, sorry Jagmaster, I feel bad, but you were a big help to me too, and I can't believe I forgot you, as you supported the tournaments, and gave me backgrounds. :)

This is just getting better and better hearing people's live with GE, and lcl, you made dimension55355 in 2011, felt like just a year a go. Wow, time does fly.
"I have not failed. I just found 10,000 ways that wont work." quoted by Thomas Edison.
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Re: My life ON GE

Postby CrackedP0t » Thu Feb 13, 2014 3:09 am

LCL, I've been looking through your old games. :shock: You are REALLY good. Like, I can't even describe. Weak brain? I think not(UNDERSTATEMENT).
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Re: My life ON GE

Postby lcl » Tue Feb 18, 2014 12:49 pm

LeeFesler wrote:So you pretty much started out with the same dream? trying to leqnt more and figure out more. haha. I give you credit thou. You are really good at what you do and just gifted at it. Its insane. And I hope with SABRE you figure out how to do skyboxes and multiple levels like stairs. XD lol that'd be sooooo sick. But its nice to know a little about you all.

Yes, I pretty much had the same dream as you did. I'm sorry to hear your father isn't supportive. I remember when I first started using Game Editor, my father who is a musician, told me to abandon game making and just concentrate on playing guitar and bass guitar. But that was years ago. Now he has for long understood that I really love coding and using Game Editor and that I can really make a living by making games if I just get to study it. And he also understands that I still love music, too, even if I spend more time on computer than I did before GE. And it's always great to see how excited you are about Sabre :D But I'm sorry to have to say that sabre won't have skyboxes, because the system I use for drawing the walls does not work for that. However, Sabre already supports using 360 degree panoramic pictures as backgrounds with a smooth rotation effect. :)

NightOfHorror wrote:This is just getting better and better hearing people's live with GE, and lcl, you made dimension55355 in 2011, felt like just a year a go. Wow, time does fly.

Yes, time really does fly. I actually first wrote to the post that I made Dimension 55355 in 2012, because I felt it couldn't have been more than two years ago, but then I played the game for the old times' sake and saw that I had started working on it in 2010. O.o It really is confusing how much time has passed since that. On the other hand, I can see how much I've learnt since 2011. Looking at the codes of Dimension 55355 makes me think of many better ways I could have done it. But back then I was very proud of that game and the codes behind it :D

CrackedP0t wrote:LCL, I've been looking through your old games. :shocck: You are REALLY good. Like, I can't even describe. Weak brain? I think not(UNDERSTATEMENT).

Haha xD Many of those old games are quite bad, I think. Especially graphic-wise... I was so lazy with graphics back then :P But even if I think many of those games are quite bad, there's still some games in that list that I consider quite good and especially important in my journey of learning to use GE. So, thanks. :D
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Re: My life ON GE

Postby Bee-Ant » Sun Mar 30, 2014 12:41 pm

Hello everyone. Long time no see ;)
Is this some kind of goodbye message?
Sorry I didn't read all of them. Bad on reading >.<
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Re: My life ON GE

Postby NightOfHorror » Sun Mar 30, 2014 2:38 pm

Bee-Ant wrote:Hello everyone. Long time no see ;)
Is this some kind of goodbye message?
Sorry I didn't read all of them. Bad on reading >.<

no, don't worry, we are here to stay. It is just saying how we came about in GE and our adventures in it, and everyone we are thankful for.
I should also add, HELLO BEE-ANT. :P
"I have not failed. I just found 10,000 ways that wont work." quoted by Thomas Edison.
Over the year, I decided my motto for me is I am knowledgeable, but not practical.
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