Further requests

Ideas for Game Editor evolution.

Further requests

Postby DilloDude » Sat Feb 10, 2007 3:18 am

Hello everybody. Firstof all, i'm not dead, I've just been particularly busy lately, and so I haven't checked things here for a while. I signed in today to find I had six pages of unread topics. There are some useful features Iwould like to request for future versions, some of which may have been addressed before, but I would like to restate a few.

On physical response and collisions: I think that there should be some extra functions and things related to collisions.
1) would be collision direction. Have a way of accessing collision direction other than with individual collision sides, so you only need one script, and can chosse sides in the script editor. Also returning collision direction as an angle would be helpful. (IE, i can find if something collides on a 45 degree slope.
2) would be a physical manoever function. The standard physical response function moves the actor to avoid the collision, and the calculates the angle and velocity for rebound. A function that doesn't calculate rebound would be awesome, as it could save time when rebound is not needed.
3) a function that calculates the rebound direction without setting it and without calculating velocity could be handy. You could set your own velocity with the rebound angle.

Level editors and related things would be so much better if dynamic tiling were available.

Also, for many games it would be handy to give initial values of actor variables separate for each clone. Also handy would be the ability to have different actor variables on different actors (or at least have different names for them). For example, a player actor uses integer1 for health. If player refers to health, integer1 is linked to. But enemy uses integer1 as state. When enemy uses state, integer1 is linked to. This would be handy with the above initial value setting. instead of having to remember what integer1 means on the selected actor, you can get more meaningful names.

That's about all I can think of at the moment. I hope to have more some time. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to post them. I hope to be around a little bit more to help out with anything, so you may hear from me again soon.
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Key requests

Postby DilloDude » Sat Feb 10, 2007 6:37 am

Also, while I think of it, I would like to have multiple keys in a KeyUp event. A getLastKey function that returns the last key released would be handy, too. For KeyDown events, you should be able to select auto-repeat, meaning that you hold it down, and it pauses brifly before repeating. This can be set up with timers, but it would benice if it could do it automatically.
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Postby Game A Gogo » Sat Feb 10, 2007 5:08 pm

Looking forward to see these!, and i agree, multiple keys for the key up event would be GREAT!
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Postby morcior » Sat Feb 10, 2007 7:48 pm

While we're talking about collision responses, I'll add a couple more collision testing functions I think would be cool :D

1. point collisions based on a x,y co-ordinate that:
a. can be limited to respond to a specific actor or group of actors
b. return the nearest vector to the surface

Code: Select all
vec2d PointCollides(int x, int y, char *actors);

example of use: particles with a physical response

2. vector (line) collisions against actors.
a. should return the vector between the actor and the point of collision on the line

Code: Select all
    vec2d LineCollides(Actor *collisionActor, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);

example of use: raycasting for gun damage
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Postby DilloDude » Sun Feb 11, 2007 11:28 pm

Another addition would be to have an option in MousebButtonDown events for double-click, and another for single click (as well as the normal one). Once again, this can be set up with timers, but it would be nicer todo it automatically. You can use double-click when you want to have todouble-click on something, and single-click when you only want to click once, and you want two clicks to mean a double-click instead of two normal ones. IE, normally if you click twice you will just get the event twice, but if you select single-click, clicking twice would not trigger the event at all.
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