Sonic: Empire of Nightmares, is an intense, darker take on the traditional Sonic the Hedgehog universe, in which Sonic and his friends, after a run-in with Dr. Eggmans latest creation, are thrown into the alternate world of Draznus where there is only corrution and complete chaos at the hands of a brutal dictatorship known only as the Cobalt Empire. Mandatory executions, genocide, and the instant death guaranteed of anyone who dares to speak against this regime - that's all that the planet Draznus has to offfer nowadays...
But that is soon set to change. Can Sonic and his friends thwart this nightmarish evil, restore peace and harmony to Draznus, and above all - find a way home?
Only one way to find out.

File is in .RAR format, so you'll need a .RAR extraction tool like WinRAR to extract the Setup file.
Full Version Download: Link fixed as of 06/04/2013
2.2 - Update 2
*Gravity code is now fixed! None of those "flying" problems should arise any longer.
*The HUD will now appear correctly over the level, never becoming overlapped.
*Glitch where player could jump before level starts has been fixed.
*Cutscene animations and sounds edited.
*Overhaul of Prologue text.
*AmberWare boot logo now added.
*Updated Developer message.
*Game Logo updated with Kanji Japanese Name.
PLEASE download this, I'd apprieciate feedback. ^^
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(One-man game creating army!