so I haven't been on too frequently lately but even I've noticed some spam

but only a little. thanks to the mods for keeping it as clean as it is, but I went to check out the new memberes and


, there are a lot of spam accounts. I read somewhere that mods can only ban a user and not delete them. doesnt that mean skyde is deleting each individual spam post? why not give him the power to delete users. that'll give skyde a break more or less and delete all those spam accounts. I think all of the ones with links are spammers. there are many types of spammers and what they really want is to have there links on our site. though skyde deletes the actual posts and bans those there links are still on our site. is there any reason that skyde isnt an admin? i think he'd make quick work of all those damn spam links in our members list. and then there wont be an incentive to spam here anymore.

I know wishful thinking but at least mak should help him help us. Imma going to pm him asking him to help skyde out. I think all in favor should try to help to. hes a great guy and I mean is there a reason he cant? hes been so helpful,