game editor not working properly

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game editor not working properly

Postby Turon » Fri Aug 20, 2010 4:04 pm

GE is not working properly caws it shuts down, can anyone fix it :?
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Re: game editor not working properly

Postby lcl » Sat Aug 21, 2010 6:27 am

Usually if GE, fails and shuts down, it happens because of some problem in game.
I noticed that when I was working with my newest game.

I had done something wrong and the game didn't work as it should and after that when I went back to edit the game, GE crashed immediately when I hit some key. So, for making it not crash, try to find out what is wrong. I can't say more if I don't see your game.

I hope this gives you some understanding of why GE sometimes crashes.

Good luck with your game. :D
- lcl -
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