I am new, I have some question ?

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I am new, I have some question ?

Postby Orlando911 » Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:08 am

actually, after 3 months searching for what is the best product to build mobile app, I am not sure ( but I like this website and their product )

because most of the products has limitation, but I like it because I can use C language, I am computer Engineering, I dont have problem for coding,

but I have some questions , like ,
1- the free product, just for learning and I can't upload my app to apple store (is it true), and the next product (99$), I can upload them but I have to share my app with Game-Editor (I am not sure), or only they will post the splash screen ?

2- could you please inform me how can i build my actor who can shoot the enemy and if he get them, they will died then Disappearsو

3- if the enemy shoot me and they get me, my life point will be decrease, when it get zero, (( game over ))

4- I have problem to build ground that can the actor walk above it, I built the ground but when I move my actor on it, still go thru it ,

5- how can I build for example 3 level of the game, if he win on the first level, he can play the second ?

6- when I try the app in my computer, I use the (right, left, up and down) how can I make them like touch because I want to build them in the iphone app, I know it can
by 2 way :
First: build 4 button in the screen, and make them like arrows, I sow tutorial for that, I don have problem for this,
Second: if I want my actor fly and move by the direction of the Iphone, if the person move the iphone right, my actor fly to the right,

7- how can make my actor move like snake ???

thank you
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Re: I am new, I have some question ?

Postby Chai » Tue Dec 07, 2010 12:55 pm

Please use " Serach".
Then, you can find a tutorial and a good demo to answer all of your questions.
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