Actor, variable, scripting etc management

Ideas for Game Editor evolution.

Actor, variable, scripting etc management

Postby Janet Merai » Sun Oct 22, 2006 10:58 pm

Coming from the RPG Maker series and Game Maker, I got used to the idea of management between user created content.

I think an easy management of drag-and-dropping content in a management window would literally save countless hours :)

Being able to manage everything you created makes life easier and saves days of editing.

For example, you have your own tabs of created sections

-This is just a simple design I made, very easy to implement and easy to manage :)

I am not sure on what specifics you have, but I believe a division of each part of the system would help crucually :)
Janet Merai
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Postby Game A Gogo » Mon Oct 23, 2006 11:31 pm

i tink that the new version thats going to come out, will have something like that, but in the GE terms way.
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Postby Janet Merai » Tue Oct 24, 2006 12:19 am

Yeah, this was done before I saw that in-progress image lol XD

I'm glad to see things working out :D
Janet Merai
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