OK, so I'm making a game, but I'm having some trouble with my dungeon type areas. What I would like to do in them is have the "view" actor stop following my player (who is currently the parent to "view") when it runs into the edge of the screen. I would then like it to continue following my player (as the "view"s parent) as normal after the player gets back to the centre of the view.
As an example, I'm specifically thinking of 2D Zelda games like Link to the Past.
What I've got set up right now is an actor called "viewCollide" that is a filled region the same size as "view". I've also got wire frame actors set up to serve as the edges of the room. When "viewCollide" hits the "edge," its a physical response to stop "viewCollide's" momentum. I've then got the view set up to start moving again after my player gets so far away from the "edge" actors.
Hopefully all that makes sense... If not, let me now and I'd love to clarify.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!