Help, Moved game from Windows to Mac

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Help, Moved game from Windows to Mac

Postby TGKG » Mon Jan 09, 2012 12:41 am

I have a working game on my windows machine. How do I get it onto a Mac and then onto an iphone or iPad?
Here is what I tried:
1. On the windows machine I exported my game as a "Game data Only (iphone, ipad, ....), copied this .dat file onto a flash drive.
2. I borrowed a friends Mac with xcode, transferred the .dat file from the flash drive on to the Mac desktop
3. On the Mac I opened xcode (I know nothing about xcode, this could be my problem!!)
4. Started a new project, Mac OS X Application, Cocoa application, and gave the new project the same name as my exported file.
5. I then added my .dat file from the desktop into the resource section of my project.
6. "Build and run" and all I get is a blank white screen??

Please help.
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Re: Help, Moved game from Windows to Mac

Postby skydereign » Mon Jan 09, 2012 1:11 am

You have to use the geapp project. It used to be included in gameEditor's download, but if you want to get the latest version, you can find it on the site. You have to be logged in to download.

There are a few tutorials on what to do with the geapp project, but they won't be perfect (due to the frequent changes with xcode).
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Re: Help, Moved game from Windows to Mac

Postby TGKG » Fri Jan 13, 2012 1:52 am

Thank you again skydereign
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Re: Help, Moved game from Windows to Mac

Postby TGKG » Fri Jan 13, 2012 2:22 am

Another question.
I have logged into this new site. I only have a windows machine hence the only download I find is called "" a GameEditor 1.5 prototype.

Where do find geapp that you mention?

I also did not find a geapp section in the forum?
Thank you
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Re: Help, Moved game from Windows to Mac

Postby skydereign » Fri Jan 13, 2012 2:25 am

You should be able to see any download, you just have to select which section you want. Since you are talking about xcode, it is found under the mac section. But, just click on the link I provided and it should download it if you are logged in.
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Re: Help, Moved game from Windows to Mac

Postby TGKG » Fri Jan 13, 2012 2:36 am

I have downloaded the and also extracted, however this looks to be a MAC program. I cannot find a .exe file to run??
What am I missing?
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Re: Help, Moved game from Windows to Mac

Postby skydereign » Fri Jan 13, 2012 2:40 am

geapp is an xcode project, meaning you need to use xcode and by extension be on a mac. You said you were moving away from windows, you can't use xcode on windows.
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Re: Help, Moved game from Windows to Mac

Postby TGKG » Fri Jan 13, 2012 3:04 am

Thank you for the update.
No I am still working on Windows, I only borrowed a machine to try and get a little further with the project. (I will have to beg and borrow again).

What do I do with geapp on the Mac machine?
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Re: Help, Moved game from Windows to Mac

Postby skydereign » Fri Jan 13, 2012 3:13 am

You have to build the xcode project, set up your provisioning profiles, and from there put it on your device. Be warned, this process will take a while, and you'll have to be an iphone developer. Here are two links you might look at to get an idea of what you need to do.
If you are currently just testing I recommend buying the geplayer app.
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Re: Help, Moved game from Windows to Mac

Postby TGKG » Fri Jan 13, 2012 4:08 am

Thank you again,
Lots to follow when I get my hands on a Mac.

What is the geplayer app do?
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Re: Help, Moved game from Windows to Mac

Postby skydereign » Fri Jan 13, 2012 5:18 am

It allows you to test your games on your idevice. You send the game via ftp, and are able to test without having to go through the xcode project and geapp. It of course won't allow you to submit an app, but for those that don't have a mac or don't want to bother with xcode they can use the service provided by akr to create the app file.
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Re: Help, Moved game from Windows to Mac

Postby TGKG » Mon Jan 16, 2012 10:34 pm

okay, question about geplayer.
I now have a borrowed Mac with game editor and geplayer installed.
Is there a set of instructions on how to use geplayer similar to the great instructions for geapp

I go into the geplayer folder and run the geplayer.xcodeproj file.

I have dragged my game geplayer.dat file into the resource section within xcode/geplayer and then Build and Run. The error I get is "Code sign error: "The identity 'iPhone Developer' doesnt match any valid..."

If I call my game a different name "mygame.dat" and put it into the resource section I get the same error:

What am I doing wrong?
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