Who here has a IOS developers account

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Who here has a IOS developers account

Postby again » Fri Jun 24, 2011 3:40 pm

I plan on releasing some games for iphone/ipod but I dont have a iphone developers account. I need someone to publish my games and we split 50/50 . Contact me via PM or here .
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Re: Who here has a IOS developers account

Postby SuperSonic » Sat Jun 25, 2011 12:55 pm

Well, I'm still trying to get the hang of xcode right now, but if I can figure it out then I'd be glad to help you :D

But if we are going to use my company name (like if we sell the game with my company logo and name), then I have some conditions to be met.

1. I may need to change the graphics, music, animations, etc to match my company's theme.
2. You must make sure that both you and I are happy with the game before we sell it. If I don't like something about it or it's just not something I would sell, I would like you to change it.
3. Err...I guess that's it.............................yup^^

If you agree to that then I will agree to:

1. Make sure you are happy with the outcome if I must change the settings mentioned in the first criteria.
2. I will always put "Developed by (your name)" in the credits.
3. And of course we will split it 50/50 no questions asked.

Fair enough? :P
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Re: Who here has a IOS developers account

Postby SuperSonic » Sat Jun 25, 2011 12:58 pm

Actually, since your doing more work, I think it would be more fair to give you 70% and me 30%.
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Re: Who here has a IOS developers account

Postby again » Sat Jun 25, 2011 10:33 pm

I sent you a PM.
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