fake demos

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fake demos

Postby krenisis » Wed Aug 05, 2009 4:34 am

see this is what pisses me off there is a pong demo at the end it has script errors and i waste my time .....iam staRTING TO THINK THIS GAME EDITOR DOESNT WORK ONLY HALF WAY show me someone who has made a pocket pc game i searched here i mean a downloadable one that i can test this is driving me nuts what book do i have to read cause i cant get any help i ask for something i explain myself but the answers i get m ake no sense how come if i know something i can teach it and people understand me this is a joke this will be my last post if anyone sees this who has found a better game making tool with support and not fake answers email me at krenisis@yahoo.com thank u
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Re: fake demos

Postby skydereign » Wed Aug 05, 2009 5:07 am

You probably won't see this because you stormed off, but you are being pretty harsh considering you only have four posts. You have asked for my help, and I gave it to you. If you did not understand I can always make demos. There are plenty of pong games that work, and you have only asked two questions. The first you complained about the support not being here, where the forum is meant for your questions. The second was about 3d, and I answered that. There won't be 3d for gameEditor, not for a long time. So what are you talking about? If I didn't explain myself, sorry I can try again if you permit, but it doesn't seem you asked many people, maybe you pm'd them so I don't know about it.
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Re: fake demos

Postby krenisis » Thu Aug 06, 2009 3:33 am

yes ur right i havent asked many question i go on here search a topic then try see if code works.....some work but most is people who just being silly with stuff that doent work or it completly different material .....iam very serious and i usaully find answers myself and i made some game demos...why am i so mad cause i only need couple of things before i can make full game just 3 things and i be good....why am i so mad i mad free games for a while and got fans asking me when i going to make full game...i did demo pocket pc games with mario bros ,metroid,space invaders,mario coin quest. games that people liked......i got a buzz on the internet and i dont want to fade....if u dont believe me type...krenisis games...on google and see why iam so hyper and easily excited i have momentum i dont want to lose...some websites i completely took over with just 1 level demos like xda-developers if u type free pocket pc games on thier site my games come up all over on thier search engine .....if u could help me i give u the money to buy game editor pro if u give me knowlegde i need to make games to sell all i need is few things but every post i look up doesnt explain step by step how to add lives and save scores to go into multiple levels and how to make a save game so people could go to last point they played and thats all i need....why am i mad cause iam doing all this work by myself iam tired real tired i got job and other things going on .....just type ...krenisis games...and see why iam such in a rush i know a great buzz doesnt last forever..
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Re: fake demos

Postby skydereign » Thu Aug 06, 2009 5:16 am

All you need to do is make a post on the forum and someone will get to you. I have made a demo that I know works. There are some things you might consider bugs but this is a demo of saving. If anything is not to your specifications, than I can fix them or add things. I could get a copy of gameEditor if I wanted, maybe even without paying with the point policy. The problem is my use of Linux. I will hopefully have a virtual machine running windows soon and may get myself a copy. Anyway how you use this may differ, I don't know if you require a menu.

The variables

These are all ints and they are all in the save group vars. Now, when you click the save button, mouse button down (left), there is a script.
Code: Select all
playerX = player.x;
playerY = player.y;
saveVars("vars.sav", "vars");

The first two lines are required as you need to use those variables set so you can save the actors position. The third line is very important. It saves a file, "vars.sav", with the variables in the group, "vars". Now you have saved your game. Now to load your previous save, you have to restart the game. The create event for the view has the following code.
Code: Select all
loadVars("vars.sav", "vars");
player.x = playerX;
player.y = playerY;

The loadVars function is very similar to the saveVars, but instead it loads the specified file into the specified group. Since playerX is now what you want the real player's x to be, you must set it as such. Same goes for the y. The Score does not need to be set, as it is not tied to an actor variable, like x and y. If you have any questions, I can help you.
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