Is there a bug with physical response?

Non-platform specific questions.

Is there a bug with physical response?

Postby ericdg » Sat Mar 04, 2006 3:36 am

I have a question about physical response. Actually a few questions.

I made a game using physical response for a ball. The ball has gravity that pulls it down and it bounces off of objects as it falls downward.

When the ball hits the edge of a object as it falls, instead of bouncing off it kind of clings to the object and rides the edge of the object, then falls.

When I am in game editor and using game mode it does this worse and worse the longer game editor runs. If I export to an exe, or restart game editor it does not do it nearly as bad.

On the same note, I have a area where the ball flies upwards and hits an angled object. It is supposed to bounce off the object and continue in the direction the object is angled.

It usually does this perfectly, but after playing it for a bit, even with an exe file, it will only bounce off in one direction.

For example, if my object is angled to the right, the ball will bounce off and fly to the right, and if the object is angled to the left it will bounce off and fly to the left.

But, after playing for a bit, it will only bounce to the right. When hits the left angled object it just falls straight down, instead of bouncing to the left.

Is this just a limitation of the physical response sytem or a bug.

I had a question regarding physical respone before about a car body with two tires. When the car was moving for an amount of time the tires would seperate several pixels instead of remaining a certain amount of pixels apart as it should according ot the script.

Someone said it was a bug and to use uppercase letters to start the object name and it worked great. I did this and the tires stayed the same distance apart the entire time.

Do you think this would help on the physical response questions above? I have not tried it yet, because I would have to rewrite my entire game to reflect the new object names.

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Postby makslane » Sat Mar 04, 2006 2:24 pm

I don't know if is a bug.
Can you send me the executable to test?
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Postby Novice » Sat Mar 04, 2006 4:38 pm

I had that problem with tires laging, the thing with upercase letters works sometimes but when parenting multiple actors it fails, so it's still a bug.
Why do i always get stuck?
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