Step 1
Create some GIFs where a player is moving Left,Right,and Stand Left Right
i post some
Player is moving Left
Player is moving Right
Player Stand Left
Player Stand Right
Step 2
Now Create an Actor
Step 3
Now Right CLick on the Actor and open the Actor Control and Add animation
Step 4
Add all 4 Animations
Step 5
Then add a new Event "Key Down"
press "right"
then Add "action"
Step 6
Now chose "Script Editor"
and write these " x=x+5;"
Then Do the same for Left just use add the Event Key Down the key "Left"
and add in the script " x=x-5"
Now we can move with our Player Left and Right but the animations dont change!now We teach our Player to change Animatio.
Step 7
Press on "Edit"
then " Key Down"
then "Right...."
Step 8
Now Click "Edit Action"
and the script Window should appear
Then Click on "Variables/Function"
Step 9
Now click on "change Animation"
Step 10
So were are going to change the player In the firs box select the "Player"
Becouse we are walking right select the "Orange muschrom Right" Animtion
In the third box select No change and press OK.
Step 11
Now your code has been changed just press ok !
Do the same for the left action and select the Orange mushrom left.
Step 12
Now open the Actor Controll add a new Event select "Key UP"
now press "right"
then "Add action"
Step 13
Now you press "change Animation"
and select in the first Box the Player
in the second Box select "Orange Mushrom Stand Right"
Now do the same for the Left one ..