Hi All,
just starting on gE and am enjoying the combination of simplicty and flexibility.
I have started on my first game and have (current;ly) three problems:
1. My main actor is a multiple image actor. I change the frame o collision with specific actors. Not a problem. However I initiate the actor with a variable Curr_Ball, and set it to 0 to represent the initial state or animation of the ball. In Draw Actor I use animpos = Curr_Ball; and on collision I change the Curr_Ball to the next number, up to nframes - 1. The problem I have is that at initation it draws the second image in the animation, not the first, it only draws the first image when Curr_Ball / animpos reaches nframes. I have checked in the Actor Control that the images are in the correct order. Is there something I am missing?
2. Second problem is I have a boarder around the play area and the ball bounces (or is meant to) off the edges in a calclated manner. The problem is that it sometime bounces off the edge correctly, and other times goes through - although the collision is detcted. Any reason for this?
3. Last one is that I exported to Windows EXE and the keyboard controls don't work. Am I missing something?