Beginner's Problems

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Beginner's Problems

Postby joncb » Sun Mar 04, 2012 3:02 am

Hi All,

just starting on gE and am enjoying the combination of simplicty and flexibility.

I have started on my first game and have (current;ly) three problems:
1. My main actor is a multiple image actor. I change the frame o collision with specific actors. Not a problem. However I initiate the actor with a variable Curr_Ball, and set it to 0 to represent the initial state or animation of the ball. In Draw Actor I use animpos = Curr_Ball; and on collision I change the Curr_Ball to the next number, up to nframes - 1. The problem I have is that at initation it draws the second image in the animation, not the first, it only draws the first image when Curr_Ball / animpos reaches nframes. I have checked in the Actor Control that the images are in the correct order. Is there something I am missing?

2. Second problem is I have a boarder around the play area and the ball bounces (or is meant to) off the edges in a calclated manner. The problem is that it sometime bounces off the edge correctly, and other times goes through - although the collision is detcted. Any reason for this?

3. Last one is that I exported to Windows EXE and the keyboard controls don't work. Am I missing something?


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Re: Beginner's Problems

Postby skydereign » Sun Mar 04, 2012 4:58 am

1. It may be that you didn't stop the animation from playing using ChangeAnimationDirection, and therefore shows the next frame (since the animation is changed I believe after the draw actor event).

2. This is a problem due to the ball moving too fast. If it gets beyond a certain point when colliding with an actor, it will continue to move through the actor. Fixes are either set the max speed of the ball to be lower than the width of the walls, or to increase the size of the walls.

3. That shouldn't happen, and I don't recall ever hearing of that problem. I'd recommend trying to redownload gE, it could be your windows export file is messed up.
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Re: Beginner's Problems

Postby joncb » Sun Mar 04, 2012 6:52 am

Thanks sky,

Problem 1 fixed - I needed change the ChangeAnimationDirection to STOPPED. I am assuming that it is more efficient to manage events through script rather than have a number of different event handlers set in the Actor Control.

Problem 2 - it seems to be speed independent. I leave the ball bouncing off the walls at a constant speed. And after a period of time it decides to go through the wall. I will maek the walls thick anyway and see if that helps

Problem 3 - will try this

thanks again

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