What happened from the NES to today's gaming?

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Re: What happened from the NES to today's gaming?

Postby GeoGia » Tue Nov 17, 2009 6:27 pm

This is something I'm really interested in. The NES and other machines from back then are beautiful to me because of what they can do with such weak specs. It seems to me that we haven't really advanced at all since then. We have hi res graphics and realistic sound, but it's only because we have big bloated computers that take up the slack for us. If we really pushed the hardware the same way the NES was pushed, we would be far more advanced

To me, it's all about the work that was put into something. You can feel when something is high quality, just like you can tell the difference between a shoddy old trinket and a beautiful antique, even though the methods used back then were primitive. An old CGA game that was lovingly crafted is much nicer to look at than hi res graphics that were slopped together uncreatively. I mean I have real life to look at if I want nice graphics :P

Now that I think about it, I wonder if games are starting to fall victim to mass production, just like everything in our world is turning to cheap plastic... hmm... and we pay the same amount for cheaper and cheaper products, and then inflation makes us turn toward yet cheaper products, but then even those get too expensive... so gradually, our quality of life falls further and further...

Or maybe I'm alone in these views :P
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Re: What happened from the NES to today's gaming?

Postby DST » Wed Nov 18, 2009 1:33 am

I do agree that our society has become too 'disposable' but there is something that has improved...

And it's what Game Editor is all about. You can make your own games! By yourself!

Winter Blast 2 would have taken 6 people a year to make back in the nes days. Bee-ant did it in what...a few months?

Do you know what it costs to hire 6 programmers for a year!?

Now everyone can share their visions with the world. With a sequencer like FLstudio, i can command a whole orchestra, which wouldn't have ever happened before because i don't have the 'credentials'. And it's not just about making things, but also the learning. With GE i went from knowing nothing about programming, to making my own games, for less than 100$, and in only a year or two.

College costs 10,000$ a year. (for a cheap one)

Perhaps, what you're getting at is something more personal, something that can't be generalized, because there are always desirable and undesirable things in any society.

So ask yourself....do i really like cheap hamburgers? Am i happy with plastic products that break?

Or am I willing to pay good money for a steak? Am i willing to pay 10x as much for a steel version that won't break?

After all, you only live once....
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Re: What happened from the NES to today's gaming?

Postby GeoGia » Thu Nov 19, 2009 2:16 am

I'm still kind of in the process of figuring this stuff out for myself, I'm just letting out random thoughts, so it could be personal :)

I just like things to be neat and organized and take as few resources as possible, and my brain tends to reject software that isn't made well

A lot of people think low level programming is hard, but to me personally, ASM is easy, but C is confusing.. sadly you can't really use ASM for graphics anymore

I've wanted to make games my whole life, but every time I try to learn, seems like I end up wanting to tear my hair out. I can't seem to find a system that lets me implement the ideas I have, so that's why I'm here, I'm trying to find something that works for me. I'm also looking into other possibilities, I think I'm making progress little by little
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Re: What happened from the NES to today's gaming?

Postby krenisis » Thu Nov 19, 2009 6:23 am

well i also had the pleasure of using different compilers and there is major differences.I used gameeditor and made a hello world program which u add actor ,set text ,input text ,then when u run it says hello world.That small program was about 1.2MB.I did the same program in another compiler that used c langauge but was text driven compiler like this
printF("hello world")
then i compiled it ...it was about 30kb of memory
I also did the same program using basic langauge on a basic4ppc compiler like this
sub start
MsgBox(hello world)
end sub
This also was about 10kb of memory
So alot has 2 do with the compiler itself and how it allocates memory
Game editor is best for game programming and making applications because it has variables and shortcuts built in.Plus its object oriented
meaning you can see the objects onscreen while you work which only the highest level of compilers do like playstation and xbox.
The other 2 compilers are text oriented which meaning you really have to master the language just to make a simple program or game.Game editor cuts down the time you have to make a game and is way easier to learn.Plus you have people that are willing to help you in forum,which i been on many and they junky forms with people competing rather than helping each other.
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Re: What happened from the NES to today's gaming?

Postby GeoGia » Thu Nov 19, 2009 8:00 pm

Hi :) Yes, there are a lot of friendly people here, experienced people don't treat beginners like dirt
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Re: What happened from the NES to today's gaming?

Postby Camper1995 » Thu Nov 19, 2009 8:28 pm

Awesome job man.. really nice :)
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Re: What happened from the NES to today's gaming?

Postby Hblade » Sat Nov 21, 2009 12:54 pm

GeoGia wrote:Hi :) Yes, there are a lot of friendly people here, experienced people don't treat beginners like dirt

Yeah, personally I don't think anyone should be treated like dirt period. If someone doesn't know something and I do know it, I'm going to tell them. Now I can understand if they ask the exact same thing like, 400 times. Like on this one game, this guy asked how you get that item (Gunz online) I told him you have to level up... he said "How do you level up", and at the time he was level 20... so I told him to "Quest" and he's like, "How do you quest?"... okay it was more like "how u quest", but still :/ Anyways STILL being nice I told him, click on a room with the book icon. (How hard is that?) And he said "but how i level up". So... I left the room to prevent repeatedly stabbing him with a sharpened candy cain
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Re: What happened from the NES to today's gaming?

Postby MrJolteon » Sun Nov 22, 2009 7:27 am

Yea that is annooooooooying!
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Re: What happened from the NES to today's gaming?

Postby Hblade » Sat Nov 28, 2009 1:13 am

lol isn't it?
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