Pocket PC error

Non-platform specific questions.

Pocket PC error

Postby BDOVPro » Tue Feb 15, 2005 2:26 am

When i click on an object once its fine but when i click on the same object or another object i get this error:

"Fatal Application Error
PocketDawn.exe has
preformed an illegal
operation and will be shut
down. If the problem
persists, contact the program vendor.

Program: PocketDawn.exe
Exception: 0x0000005
Address: 003df6c (square shape?) Fatal
Application Error"

ya long stuff but can anyone help me?
Heres the game, if you could give me some feedback on the game and/or Error that would be great. Just copy the file to your Pocket PC to play.

Note: click the character for the menu and click on the face in the menu to get back to the game.[/url]
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Postby makslane » Tue Feb 15, 2005 5:08 pm

I see the crash. I will fix in 1.2.8 version (soon)
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Postby BDOVPro » Tue Feb 15, 2005 10:44 pm

cool, cant wait for the new version! :D
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