More Calibration/Precision Tools for Managing Workspace

Ideas for Game Editor evolution.

More Calibration/Precision Tools for Managing Workspace

Postby Cleve_Blakemore » Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:53 am

Transparency and Z depth control need numbers beside sliders to show precise values the designer is entering.

There need to be precision methods of finding out the exact X,Y,Width and Height of things like Activation Regions, Filled and Wireframe Regions, current actor position, more floating numeric info in tooltips on workspace.

There need to be tools to align, center, size and orient actors as groups on the workspace, so you can make sure the left sides of buttons are all lined up or centered on a specific line, etc. ... what would really help is arbitrary magnetic lines on the workspace like in .NET that show you where your actor is lining up in relation to other controls, etc.

Snap to grid needs more info and control for activation regions.
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Re: More Calibration/Precision Tools for Managing Workspace

Postby makslane » Wed Aug 09, 2006 4:54 pm

Cleve_Blakemore wrote:more floating numeric info in tooltips on workspace

Like what?
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Postby willg101 » Thu Aug 10, 2006 2:55 am

Also, I'd love it if you could change Z-Depth, Transparency, X, And Y values to an EXACT number, via typing the number.
Old betas now available!!
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