REQ: Running blog of Makslane's work?

Ideas for Game Editor evolution.

REQ: Running blog of Makslane's work?

Postby BeyondtheTech » Mon Aug 01, 2005 1:18 pm

Perhaps that may be too much to ask of a single developer, especially if he has another full-time job or something.

However, I think it would help if Makslane popped in occasionally on a blog or his own thread here (no outside posting allowed) and stated things like, "oh, I got 2D rotation and zooming implemented in the next beta," and "working on the movie playback feature now," or even "having trouble with Mac export" and, "it's coming along, but will have VGA support definitely by version 1.xx..."

I believe that would keep most of us game developers in the loop and prospective buyers anctipating the next version, instead of waiting for a "surprise attack" by Makslane with a new version and its wealth of features or bug fixes. ;)

Most people can and have daily blogs now, and it shouldn't take up a few minutes per day to do it. I'd certainly like to see what's truly on the horizon and timetable, and honestly, wouldn't mind paying for it. In fact, I wouldn't mind paying extra to get a few of my requested features implemented now... :D
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Postby Game A Gogo » Mon Aug 01, 2005 5:13 pm

This would be a good idea 8)

since grade 6(Im in 8 now, and im using this software for 3 years :o ) there was not that much upgrade on game editor, and i would want to know were Makslane is in his developing fof GE :? .
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Postby brutalDeluxe » Thu Aug 04, 2005 10:01 pm

Personally - I would rather he spent his time developing.

The blog is the "what's new" list you get with the new version.

Also, he often mentions what is on his "to do" list within threads.
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Postby Just4Fun » Sat Aug 06, 2005 9:28 pm

I'm with brutalDeluxe. I'd rather use new features than talk about them!

However, if Makslane decides to do a blog, I think that he should do it in his native language. That way he would be making most of us even more worldly than we already are... :shock:
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