I am making a game called DETOUR. You are UICP034(Ultimate Intelligent Computer Project 034) Created by NICK, a VERY twisted mind set out to destroy and repopulate nearly all humans, you must destroy important buildings and people, but when Supa Tails sets off on a quest to destroy Dr. Robotnik(Another game i'm making called Supa Tails) He accedentaly comes accross this robot of mass destruction, and after a long battle, he reprograms the robot to destroy its creator. It is a 2D/3D game using 3D movement and freedom, and 3D sprites, by illusion(like roller coaster tycoon 2 or sims 1) and is gonna be a BIG project. But I think I MIGHT be able to pull it off.

I will have a simple demo up soon.

................................................................................................ www.freewebs.com/thebiverse .....................................................................................
c'ya on the other side