How do I change the lenght of a path?

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How do I change the lenght of a path?

Postby imagremlin » Thu Nov 13, 2008 1:58 pm

I have several actors (platforms and enemies) moving along paths that I've created.

As I test my game, I need to tune the interactions, that means I may need the platforms or enemies moving slower or faster. Obviously I dont want to delete and recreate as the path itself has taken some effort to tune as well. How can I change the speed my actors are taking along the path?

For timers, I've found that its best to always create them on scripts so I can change the value, although it would be nice to be able to modify them as well (when not created on a script)
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Re: How do I change the lenght of a path?

Postby Lexcondran » Sat Nov 15, 2008 2:18 am

The easiest way is to redo the paths. add 10secs per circler of each path to make it slow
or 3-5 for each for fast. The more time=slow/LEss time=Fast easily simple =My RPG APP FILE V. 3.0 {7/15/2010} =My editable demo of my Rpg for people V2.3
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Re: How do I change the lenght of a path?

Postby DilloDude » Sat Nov 15, 2008 3:58 am

You can't actually change a path length, so you have to delete it and make it again. This is ONE of the reasons I prefer not to use paths, but write my own system.
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