I am trying to make a room which the player will be able to turn full 360 degrees.
Something like the box that Bee-Ant made but one the player is inside, not outside.
Well what I can't figure out is how to make the room turn. I have the coordinates of the
corners but what do I need to do with them to make them rotate? It could be easier without the
perspective messing it up. If I just could get the corners to rotate correctly I am quite sure I could
make the whole thing to work.
Here is picture that shows what corner I should for example to get rotated (with all others of course

Oh and that pacman is currently in the middle of the room. (The room continues a little out of the screen.

EDIT: The problem is that the corners don't settle to a circle but ellipse. It makes it much harder (for me at least)...
Thanks in advance!