What you don't like in Game Editor?

Ideas for Game Editor evolution.

What you don't like in Game Editor?

Postby makslane » Wed Oct 27, 2004 2:46 pm

Feel free to talk :)
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Postby ingsan » Wed Oct 27, 2004 3:03 pm

The girls on the homepage :mrgreen:
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Postby ingsan » Wed Oct 27, 2004 3:07 pm

:) Kidding

I would like the possibility to move any actor using the keyboard arrows, to be more precise in positioning actors on stage.
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Postby jazz_e_bob » Wed Oct 27, 2004 4:01 pm

Hmmm - I like everything Game Editor has to offer!
I only dislike not being able to do some things. :-)

Things Game Editor Can't Do:

Identify an actors parent and/or creator.

Copy actors.

Rename actors or variables ( with global replace to scripted references ).

Load last project at startup or provide recent project list.

Declare external audio/graphics editor.

Select a group of actors.

Collapse or expand clones in the actor list.

Automatically make the game I am thinking of. ;-)

I have been reading back over the feature requests forum and I am amazed at how much and how quicky GE has evolved so far!

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Postby hobgoblin » Wed Oct 27, 2004 9:32 pm

demo expires in 30 days :o

i'm noob =P
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Postby Just4Fun » Thu Oct 28, 2004 5:31 am

I agree with jazz. GE is a wonderful game development tool. I just want to get better at using it. Maybe when I'm finished with my C language studies, I will be able to get back to using GE daily and feel more competent.

I think one of the best reasons to use GE is the support that you give us through the forum. You are kind and gracious to all of us Sometimes,even those of us who don't deserve your courtesy. I have learned a lot from your answers to my questions. User support for GE is really important. You listen seriously to our requests. I am always impressed with how you take our suggestions (dreams) and turn them into reality with the next versions of GE. (I still want your autograph! :wink: )

OK. Here are some of my dreams and, perhaps, some 'food for thought':

1. Support for more platforms, ie. palm, tablet pc, Linux (for LinuxMan)mac, symbian--you decide which one or all! :wink: Greater platform support would give GE a BIG edge over the competition. Personally, I would not have purchased GE without the PPC support. The market is saturated with authoring systems for WindowsX machines, but I've scoured the web in search of multiplatform authoring systems and came up with only one: GE!
If multiplatform support won't work with the current GE, what about an entire product line?
GE for WindowsX, tabletPC, PocketPC
GE for Linux
GE for Palm
GE for Symbian
GE for Mac
GE for ....
Charge a reasonable price for each version and/or sell them in a bundle. I would think that a reasonable price would be between $35-50.00 each, but I may be mistaken you might ask more. I really don't know what the market is. I guess it depends quite a bit on what audience you want to target. Users, like me, aren't experts or professionals, we just want some fun and diversion. We also can't afford to pay what a professional developer could pay. If you want to target a more professional audience(RAD), you could ask for more money. I know one development platform out now that I would like to buy, it allows mobile development for all mobile platforms, but... I could NEVER afford it at $1000 no matter how good it is or what it offers--and, unlike GE, it isn't an authoring system, but a language in itself. GE offers so much flexibility because you can learn C as you learn GE! It is a great teaching tool for the language. On the other hand, you can also develop without knowing C. Please don't water down the Editor or discontinue work on it. The power that it offers is amazing and adds greatly to GEs worth. Just make sure that a programming illiterate user can also author games. That way you cover all audiences. In fact, your web site could advertise something like this: "GE, so easy to use that you can create games without knowing how to program! Yet, so powerful that C Programmers can leverage their knowledge of programming by using the included Editor..."

2. Make GE an application & game development system. That way it would appeal to a wider audience of users. I know that I am stretching what may be able to be done, but , hey, you did ask:

My ideal would be a full blown authoring system for all mobile devices and other desktop platforms. Think about all the people who would like to be able to create applications AND games for numerous platforms but just don't have the skills to do it. I think a system like this would sell.

3. One other aside,make sure that people who visit GEs website see the GE product as the primary object. ("Who is that lady?" or "chick" says a lot about what people are noticing when they enter the site for a visit.) :?

Thank you for asking us for our feedback. It shows, once again, how you try to listen to your user community.

Well, I'm running out of wind now, so, the good news is, I will shut up....
I've learned that I still have a lot to learn.

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Postby Fred » Wed Dec 01, 2004 6:39 am

I'd like a tileset browser, and longer trial period.
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Postby qscomputing » Fri Dec 03, 2004 11:34 am

What I'd like to see:

- longer trial period
- cheaper registration ie. $50 max for a package with all platforms supported
- Linux pro version
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Postby willg101 » Fri Dec 17, 2004 9:08 pm

one feature that would rock is being able to preview animations in the browser, so if you gif a picture and weird name like 'hghf.gif' and forget the name, you can see the animation. :idea:
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Postby ingsan » Sun Dec 19, 2004 10:44 am

able to preview animations in the browser

GE already does that :)
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Postby micro » Mon Dec 27, 2004 9:27 pm

Fred wrote:.......and longer trial period.

i dont think longer trial period, u have it so long u want to but u dont get the whole game editor
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Postby Dark Mars Software » Fri Dec 31, 2004 11:33 pm

1-Feature Limited Version instead of time based.

2-A lite version for noncommercial usage($19). A Standard Version with commercial usage, but with less features($29). A Professional Version with commercial usage and all features intact($49). Previous buyer would be granted the professional version if this was to take effect.

3-Special forum for users who purchased game-editor. Only licensed users could access this forum. It could be used to ask questions directly towards you(the developer) and related to game-editor.
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Postby LEO (LCG) » Mon Jan 10, 2005 7:44 pm

Its OK. Im just waiting the multiplayer stuff.


Oh yeah. Sometimes, maximizing and minimizing
the application it just change the view (in the
workspace) and I must adjust.

(I don't know if you got it. My english sucks, bwana...)
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Postby Jan » Sun Apr 03, 2005 5:48 am

Maybe it's allready there, but I can't find it. BIGGER font in the script editor.
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perhaps i overlooked this

Postby Fuzzy » Mon Apr 04, 2005 6:30 am

i'd like multiple un-do's and the ability to click and drag delete actors
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