I hardly know any programming(C or otherwise), but i was able to make a couple images on gimp and use them for a moving actor, so i am proud of that.(all directions have a different animations, and when they stop they face the direction they were moving. It isn't much but i'm proud of it.)
However, i was not sure what files to use because i hardly know anything about the differences. I thought, "Hey, gifs are the moving ones right?" and i saved the images as .gif. However, they will not move. They stay on the first image when i put them in the program and don't 'animate'. (The movement was basic, i made the image go up and down so the player would not be motionless.)
I would like a rundown of the pros and cons of .gif, .jpeg, .png, and i would like to know how to fix this problem. The game still functions alright though, so, no hurry.