Solid Music Solution

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Solid Music Solution

Postby DST » Wed May 28, 2008 7:07 pm

I recall some posts from the past where people had problems with music 1. skipping or tiny clicks and 2. Not looping smoothly.

I have solved this problem in my games now. Its all a question of your ogg format.

When i make a 99kbps ogg, not only does the music play perfectly with no skips, it also loops seamlessly, and continues to do so even when i have many actors on screen and the game is slowing down considerably.

I converted to ogg format using MediaMonkey (which is free) on a quality setting of 2.2. (99kbps)

Hope this helps!
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Re: Solid Music Solution

Postby summer_goth » Mon Jun 02, 2008 1:46 pm

Thank you very much DST. I'll try it out.
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