Test this moveset NOW! (I need opinions)

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Test this moveset NOW! (I need opinions)

Postby pyrometal » Sun Jul 26, 2009 2:50 pm

Hello everyone, pyro again here to bother you!

I need some opinions about the moveset for my character in the demo below. No fancy graphics or sounds, just tons of cool moves!

- Wall Sliding
- Wall jumping
- Awesome slope collision + tracking
- Melee sword attacks
- Sword beam
- Ground homing beam
- Dashing (ground + air)
- Double jumping
- Ground rolling

CONTROLS (so far):
- Z to jump
- Z again in the air for spin attack jump!
- Hold Z while in spin jump to start rolling once you land
- X while rolling will make you jump!
- Hold Left or Right while against a wall to wall slide
- Z while wall sliding will trigger the wall jump!
- Double-tap Left or Right while on the ground to start running!
- Double-tap Left or Right while in mid-air to air dash!
- X + direction to slash sword in desired direction (default is the side you're facing)
- Hold X to charge the sword beam!
- Release X + direction to release the sword beam in the desired direction
- Release X + down while on ground to trigger a ground homing beam!
- I think that's everything....

1. Should any moves be added to the current list?
2. Are there anything to change/add about the controls?
3. Anything wrong with the character design?
4. Can you think of a better title than "Epicman" for this possible game?
5. Any bugs I didn't find and fix yet? Name them!
6. Anything else useful, just tell me...


GED + Data
(89 downloads of exe version)
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Looking forward to your comments and feedback! ttyl all!

Last edited by pyrometal on Sat Oct 24, 2009 10:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Test this moveset NOW! (I need opinions)

Postby jimmynewguy » Sun Jul 26, 2009 3:42 pm

that was epic.....
I don't even care if you finish pb&j now i prefir swords over team work any day.....simply amazing once again pyro, you've caused my jaw to ache again (the floor is hard in here) Maybe just one more attack to scratch the fun itch of player, you don't want to get too repeatitive (though there is a nice selection of moves allready) i find in all sword games that's what P.O. people the most is limited attacks :) (and a better tileset lol)
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Re: Test this moveset NOW! (I need opinions)

Postby pyrometal » Sun Jul 26, 2009 3:49 pm

Thanks Jimmy!

jimmynewguy wrote:and a better tileset lol

lol, yeah, that wasn't my priority at the moment, but it will come, don't you worry about that!
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Re: Test this moveset NOW! (I need opinions)

Postby Kalladdolf » Sun Jul 26, 2009 7:24 pm

Not a bad title at all, epicman sums it up!
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Re: Test this moveset NOW! (I need opinions)

Postby pyrometal » Sun Jul 26, 2009 7:52 pm

lol, thanks Kall!

Funny series of name eh?
... I'm original!

I've added a move called the "Epic Jump" which allows the player to jump super high starting from the ground by pressing 'up' and 'jump'. I have not posted the update yet... I'll need more than this to justify an update!
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Re: Test this moveset NOW! (I need opinions)

Postby Hblade » Sun Jul 26, 2009 9:32 pm

Nice job, 10 / 10
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Re: Test this moveset NOW! (I need opinions)

Postby skydereign » Sun Jul 26, 2009 10:48 pm

Would you mind making a linux exe? This sounds pretty cool, but I can't play it...
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Re: Test this moveset NOW! (I need opinions)

Postby pyrometal » Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:34 am

Linuxified version now available! (first post)
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Re: Test this moveset NOW! (I need opinions)

Postby skydereign » Mon Jul 27, 2009 1:28 am

Cool moveset. The only thing I would change, from the current moveset, is when you jump off the wall. Right now you just stop, maybe this is because you want to be able to scale the wall, but it would look better, in my opinion, if you would continue your jump, a velocity effect. If not, then at least change the characters direction to face the other way. Since you can scale walls with relative ease, could you make it so he can run up walls. Maybe not for a long period of time, but at least get a good way up so you can then wall jump. Maybe only on curved ramps to the wall, but still I think that would be a good addition. Also, could you make it so the beam sword can go up and diagonally, like GameOver Land, not really that important, but it would make it that much more versatile. As far as the character design, the dash ability in the air is a little weird, hard to tell what it is. Looks promising, will this be your current project now?
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Re: Test this moveset NOW! (I need opinions)

Postby pyrometal » Mon Jul 27, 2009 2:11 am

skydereign wrote:The only thing I would change, from the current moveset, is when you jump off the wall. Right now you just stop, maybe this is because you want to be able to scale the wall, but it would look better, in my opinion, if you would continue your jump, a velocity effect.

I will consider adding a bit of velocity on the wall jump to improve its look a bit. I still want to make it possible to climb from a single wall though... I'll find the right balance. Thanks for pointing that out!

skydereign wrote:Maybe not for a long period of time, but at least get a good way up so you can then wall jump.

I dunno if I'll be able to add that in considering the current engine... There might be a way to do that, I'll investigate.

skydereign wrote:Also, could you make it so the beam sword can go up and diagonally, like GameOver Land, not really that important, but it would make it that much more versatile.

That, I don't want to do because it creates problems when playing with game controllers (too easy to accidentally be pressing diagonally)

skydereign wrote:As far as the character design, the dash ability in the air is a little weird, hard to tell what it is.

lol, yeah, I agree, its a little bit 'flashy'... If I manage to animate something that looks better, I'll replace the effect. Thanks!

skydereign wrote:will this be your current project now?

Haha, most likely, if I don't side-track again like you know I always do... I don't think I can make a platformer much better than this now, so I guess I have no more excuses. Consider that a 'yes' answer.

Thanks a lot, that was some pretty useful feedback, exactly what I'm looking for! ttyl!
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Re: Test this moveset NOW! (I need opinions)

Postby skydereign » Mon Jul 27, 2009 2:16 am

Well, I just realized that you can launch the beam attack up while spinning... And presumably other directions.
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Re: Test this moveset NOW! (I need opinions)

Postby pyrometal » Mon Jul 27, 2009 2:32 am

The Linux version has an extra move btw. I this move in an earlier post, did you try it? Just stand still, hold 'up', then press jump!
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Re: Test this moveset NOW! (I need opinions)

Postby killwithpower » Mon Jul 27, 2009 4:39 am

What skydereign said about making a diagonal attack may be difficult with the game controller but you could do what sega genesis gouls and ghosts did for the axe. They made a thing in the options menu for the axe where you could choose for it to go either straight or diagonal when you launched it. Whatever you chose was how it would launch for the game. Also, you might want to limit the number of air dashes you can do in a row just because it might make it too easy to reach places in his environment later on. Just some thoughts. But besides that I think that this character is insanely awesome and the moves are really cool.

- KWP (A.C.)

PS. you also could make it so the wall slide was done by him stabbing the sword into the wall instead ... might look cooler, might not.
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Re: Test this moveset NOW! (I need opinions)

Postby pyrometal » Mon Jul 27, 2009 10:28 pm

killwithpower wrote:They made a thing in the options menu for the axe where you could choose for it to go either straight or diagonal when you launched it

Once I get to making the option's menu, I'll consider adding this feature. I also wan't to make the double tapping optional for dashing (easy to accidentally trigger on a game controller too)

killwithpower wrote:Also, you might want to limit the number of air dashes you can do in a row just because it might make it too easy to reach places in his environment later on.

I had that in mind too! This I can easily add in. Thanks!

killwithpower wrote:you also could make it so the wall slide was done by him stabbing the sword into the wall instead ... might look cooler, might not.

I'll see about this, my animations need some slight improvements anyway, so some things may change in the future.

Thanks a lot for the feedback, for this, I will give you your first point! Have a good one!
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Re: Test this moveset NOW! (I need opinions)

Postby OmniArts » Tue Jul 28, 2009 5:10 am

Thats epic man, and very addictive! Keep it up.
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