Hello everyone, pyro again here to bother you!
I need some opinions about the moveset for my character in the demo below. No fancy graphics or sounds, just tons of cool moves!
- Wall Sliding
- Wall jumping
- Awesome slope collision + tracking
- Melee sword attacks
- Sword beam
- Ground homing beam
- Dashing (ground + air)
- Double jumping
- Ground rolling
CONTROLS (so far):
- Z to jump
- Z again in the air for spin attack jump!
- Hold Z while in spin jump to start rolling once you land
- X while rolling will make you jump!
- Hold Left or Right while against a wall to wall slide
- Z while wall sliding will trigger the wall jump!
- Double-tap Left or Right while on the ground to start running!
- Double-tap Left or Right while in mid-air to air dash!
- X + direction to slash sword in desired direction (default is the side you're facing)
- Hold X to charge the sword beam!
- Release X + direction to release the sword beam in the desired direction
- Release X + down while on ground to trigger a ground homing beam!
- I think that's everything....
1. Should any moves be added to the current list?
2. Are there anything to change/add about the controls?
3. Anything wrong with the character design?
4. Can you think of a better title than "Epicman" for this possible game?
5. Any bugs I didn't find and fix yet? Name them!
6. Anything else useful, just tell me...
Looking forward to your comments and feedback! ttyl all!