sizing an actor

Ideas for Game Editor evolution.

sizing an actor

Postby Just4Fun » Thu Aug 04, 2005 3:50 am


I'm still wishing that I could nudge my actors while they are on the screen using the arrow keys. The Magnification feature is very nice, but sometimes I just want to bump things around a bit without using the magnification to do it.

I also wish that I could input the size of a Filled Region Actor using numbers. Fiddling with the Filled Region Actor to get it just the right size can sometimes be a bit tedious. Maybe adding a size box to the Add actor panel would allow for sizing for the Filled Region, the Wire Framed Region, and the Canvas Actors.

The smallest region that can be assigned looks like it is 15 X15. Is that right?

Is there any quick way to do this actor sizing that I am missing? :?:
I've learned that I still have a lot to learn.

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