the tutorials are a liitle lame

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the tutorials are a liitle lame

Postby wordgames » Sun Oct 07, 2007 11:38 am

with out insalting anyone, the tutorials are a liitle lame

and there so few

ok i D/L GE 3 days ago and have say 25 % of pac man game fin or one of those paddle ball games? so thts cool my first ever game dev...

so to ask a question thats most def.. bean asked were are all the tuts for a no brainer???

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Re: the tutorials are a liitle lame

Postby Freddy » Sun Oct 07, 2007 5:01 pm

Thats what I thought at first too. But then I relized that the tutorials really arnt how you learn how to make professional games. They're there so that you can get the hang of how GE works. To learn scripts/other things about GE, you'll have to look in the forums. :wink:
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Re: the tutorials are a liitle lame

Postby Kalladdolf » Sun Oct 07, 2007 5:20 pm

without the turtorials I couldn't do, what I can do now!
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Re: the tutorials are a liitle lame

Postby Freddy » Sun Oct 07, 2007 5:24 pm

I agree. But I think most of my help came from the forums :D
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Re: the tutorials are a liitle lame

Postby wordgames » Sun Oct 07, 2007 8:34 pm

Ok Cool i will just do search's and see what happens

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Re: the tutorials are a liitle lame

Postby Freddy » Sun Oct 07, 2007 9:25 pm

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Re: the tutorials are a liitle lame

Postby Kalladdolf » Mon Oct 08, 2007 6:45 am

Yeah, I take the stuff from the forums which is more advanced
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Re: the tutorials are a liitle lame

Postby automail10 » Sun Oct 14, 2007 2:53 am

I made good games without tutorials!
:lol: lol :9 -(
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Re: the tutorials are a liitle lame

Postby Fuzzy » Sun Oct 14, 2007 8:19 am

What tutorials would you like to see?

They will not be part of GE, but we can do some.
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Re: the tutorials are a liitle lame

Postby wordgames » Sun Oct 14, 2007 8:57 am

thats like asking me what candy i want from a free candy store

what ever is do-able

wordy :mrgreen:
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Re: the tutorials are a liitle lame

Postby Fuzzy » Sun Oct 14, 2007 12:30 pm

I guess a better question would be... There are concepts that you can imagine, but you dont know how to do them. What are they?

Thats a question for anybody reading this post.
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Re: the tutorials are a liitle lame

Postby Freddy » Sun Oct 14, 2007 3:11 pm

THis is like one of those times when you have a ton of burning questions about something, but when you go to ask about them, you cant remember anything. Alright, heres the first thing that comes to mind, how do you rotate things with a canvas?
P.S. , I noticed that your signature says mortal enemy of if... then. Is that a part of the BASIC language? :D
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Re: the tutorials are a liitle lame

Postby banffbears » Sun Oct 14, 2007 8:16 pm

I agree that the turorials are lame.
I feel that it's not due to the tutorials supplied themselves but more of the Game-editors limitations.

Space Invaders demo as a base example:
!: Scripting seems to only apply to each actor or object created only. You cannot just open a script window and script your game or see the whole code that makes up the finshed game like a full scripting language program afterwards.
2: To determine the starting and ending boundries of a moving actor, you must add BLUE rectangles that determine the left and right edge. These are also called actors and confuses the heck out of me case they are totally different from the actual actor/sprites visible on the screen. These are invisible properties of how the actors behave within the given game areas borders.
3: The BLUE rectangles you create to specify the left and right borders are perpendicular thus you cannot easily have a changing left or right border based on the X position on the screen. If I follow the demo, seems like I have to create 12 or more thin BLUE rectangles stacked on top of each other to create a varying left/right border for the game I am creating. Also the aliens in the Space Invaders game should go all the way to the left or right depending on the left most or right most alien. Right now the point at which the whole alien group drops is based on the original BLUE central rectangle and this never changes. At least the BLUE rectangle should become narrower as the whole alien group becomes narrower in the original Space Invaders. In a standard full C or Basic scripting language you can specify that the far left most sprite reaching the left edge should drop one level and the same with the right most sprite.
4: If my game has multiple levels, seems like I have to recreate the first level with diffeent properties and conditions on another part of the IDE screen like it is demoed in the platform game. I should be able to create a game board and modify this specially in the case of Space Invaders by specifying a set of parameters for the original actor/sprites. Like how many on screen, how fast they move and the starting X position of the highest actor/sprite on the screen.

I can see anyone that clearly understands the mechanics behind Game-Editor would be able to create games quickly in the end but the games would be a real nightmare to mold into one that has any real complex atificial intelligence in the backround. Without the variable movements and complex algorithm in the background, these games will quickly become tedious and boring to any player. I would hate to be adding complexity by recreating each level and adjusting the properties of each actor in the levels. When Actors change, you have to create new actors in a given level. You should be able to have a set of AI commands created that can be applied to a specific actor as necessary. Otherwise, I am adding a common script to each actor that has the same AI. I should be able to call up a specific script to be applied to an actor.

My observations may not be 100% accurate but from spending 2 weeks now trying to figure Game-Editor out I am not really excited in finishing a game I have started. Seems like there are two many steps I have to duplicate to achieve the level of complexity in the game I have envisioned, If I create an actor that moves in a certain path that's it. Creating actors are not difficult but I have no idea how I would be able to add variables like having the first actors path changes depending or how other actors react nearby. Also, how do you handle a crowd of actors that have their own left/right screen border limits? Do I have to create 6 - 12 BLUE rectangles for an Actor cause in my games, the left/right screen border varies depending on the X position of the actor? Then each actor has its own group of BLUE rectangles meaning I have 30 - 60 BlUE rectangles on the screen when I have 6 unique actors on the screen at once? How can anyone debug or effectively create and edit the game over time having to deal with 30 - 60 BLUE rectangles on the screen. This would be a real nightmare to manipulate.

In the end, I find Game-Editor lacks the true consistant flow a professional developing language should have. What Game-Editor really needs are a set of objects with properties and conditions that can be applied via a graphic flow chart like screen allowing the developer to write one set of code and have this applied to any object that the set of code is linked to in the flow chart diagram. Otherwise setting XVelocity =1 or XVelocity = -1 via a scirpt for each actor or group of actors on a screeen that has 6 - 12 actors becomes a real repetative bore. If this was a property that can be set or applied via a linked object would make the developing life so much easier. This would allow a developer to concentrate on the design and creative aspects of the game only. Game Editor has too many repetitive and convotuted tasks that take the fun out of creating games in the end. I would rather be stripping paint off of walls since this can be done without any complex thought in the end. No one should have to think about how to impliment a creative idea. The ideas should flow out and be manipulated easily via code and property adjustments. The CLONE idea is good but in the end lacks the flexibility and power to make this feature a truly great feature.
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Re: the tutorials are a liitle lame

Postby Game A Gogo » Mon Oct 15, 2007 12:01 am

You are looking for a raw C scripted? script in notepad "name.c" and "name.h" files and go get a compiler.

GE can make those complex game, "xvelocity-=6;" is not liek the only thing that ever will be used!
"double j, i;
moveto(0, height/2);
for(i=0-(width*3); i<width*4 && (i+OffSet)*Zoom<Size; i++)
if((i+OffSet)*Zoom<Size && (i+OffSet)*Zoom>=0)
lineto(i, Points[(i+OffSet)*Zoom]);
putpixel(i, Points[(i+OffSet)*Zoom]);
putpixel(i, Points[(i+OffSet)*Zoom]);
putpixel(i, Points[(i+OffSet)*Zoom]);
if(xmouse>xscreen && xmouse<xscreen+width && ymouse>yscreen && ymouse<yscreen+height)
moveto(0, ymouse-yscreen);
lineto(width, ymouse-yscreen);
moveto(xmouse-xscreen, 0);
lineto(xmouse-xscreen, height);
else if(Mouse_But==2)
moveto(xmouse-xscreen, 0);
lineto(xmouse-xscreen, height);
putpixel(xmouse-xscreen, ymouse-yscreen);
putpixel(xmouse-xscreen, ymouse-yscreen);
else if(Mouse_But==0 && no_rep==0 && ((xmouse-xscreen)+OffSet)*Zoom<Size && xmouse-xscreen>=0)
else if(Mouse_But==2 && xmouse-xscreen>=2 && xmouse-xscreen<=width-2 && ((xmouse-xscreen)+OffSet)*Zoom<Size-2)

and also, there is a Global code, you can create functions in there like this:
"void Draw_BG()
double i;
for(i=0; i<height-2; i++)
lineto(width-1, i+1);
void Click_BG()
double i;
for(i=0; i<height-2; i++)
lineto(width-1, i+1);
void Selected_BG()
double i;
for(i=0; i<height-2; i++)
lineto(width-1, i+1);

GE CAN and IS powerful. you just need to know how to use it!

also, if you have the skills enough, you can make programs whit it! (This is like what I use GE for now xD)
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Re: the tutorials are a liitle lame

Postby Game A Gogo » Mon Oct 15, 2007 12:05 am

and also, those codes are taken from what I am making currently.
Its a program to make raw files (Raw sound data)
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