by skydereign » Sun Jan 15, 2012 1:37 am
The extremity of your request varies massively by how interactive you want your enemies to be... but in any case, the best way to approach this is to learn how to do simple ai first. If you haven't done basic platform enemy controls then you stand little chance of getting what you want. But when you do start working on it, I would do one of two things. Either create a custom event through activation event that can be triggered at times depending on the player's actions, or the more precise method of creating custom timers and variables to control the actor's reactions. Using the current target (I would account for at least 3 possible other enemy/player actors) and address any about to be attacked states. Depending on these, and the reactions, you can choose what action to take next, for instance jump towards the player and attack. Or, if the player is in an attack state, dodge by running, rolling, jumping away, or similar. I would also include personality to the actors, which would make changing difficulty a little easier. But, as I said you should first learn how to make simple enemies. Then figure out how to make them react with one or two moves. When you've figured that out, you can add more functionality and reactions. Suffice to say you should also be very comfortable at making your player actors (without moonwalking) otherwise you'll have plenty of bugs to deal with.