battle brigades - graphics so far :)

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battle brigades - graphics so far :)

Postby Azield » Sat Oct 30, 2010 3:49 pm

hello all,

i said to myself i'd only post this up when i'd basically finished all the graphics and animation frames... i guess i'm too impatient and wanted to post what i've got so far. so any comments and criticisms would be much appreciated... :)

i've got so much more to do until all the artwork for this is finished, i haven't even really started doing anything with game editor yet! just good ol paint and a touch of graphics-gale to help tweak some of the animated frames ;) oh, i've done a few of the sound fx using some 8 bit synths but yup, this is it really! well, i've also made lots of notes and spreadsheets to help me formulate the game structure and storyline but i don't wanna bore anyone stupid with all that!

as you can probably see, i'm going for the 8 bit era look, heavily influenced by the early final fantasy games, but with a tactical rpg style game structure :) anywho hopefully this sheet will give you an idea as to where i'm heading with it, think early fire emblem etc. as you can see i'm going for a grid based style like the famicom/gameboy wars titles. for simplicities sake i've decided to try and keep all animation within the same grid rather than overlapping. i guess this comment will induce some of you to shouting how easy doing animation is in game editor! but as a starting point at least this is what i've decided to aim for. however due to this i'm having a bit of trouble animating my knight character all in one grid. what with him being on a horse and having a lance i'm not sure how i'm going to fit him all in! i'm working on another version with him having a sword instead which will hopefully make things a bit easier. thankfully there're only a few characters on horseback, phew!

anywho, let me know what you guys think... oh and i'd rather no one use my sprites, at least for the time being until i get frustrated and give up trying to make this game!

split into three files: overworld, units, unit sketchpad...
The attachment battle brigades - overworld.PNG is no longer available
The attachment units so far.PNG is no longer available
unit sketchpad.PNG
battle brigades - overworld.PNG
units so far.PNG
boom bash, boom boom bash (thru an 8 bit drum synth!)
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Re: battle brigades - graphics so far :)

Postby poopbrigade » Sun Oct 31, 2010 5:14 am

The name sounds kinda familliar?

This is time consuming work..
Nice job..
Like the graphics XD..
One of the character looks like the mushroom in mario XD....Brings back memories
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Re: battle brigades - graphics so far :)

Postby Azield » Sun Oct 31, 2010 3:17 pm

thanks for the comments poopbrigade

poopbrigade wrote:The name sounds kinda familliar?

i'll take that as a good sign, hopefully it's memorable in that case :)

poopbrigade wrote:One of the character looks like the mushroom in mario

i think you're talking about the eastern mystic/mage character shooting a lightning bolt. that's supposed to be a turban on his head, but now you mention it he does look a bit like toad! :P
boom bash, boom boom bash (thru an 8 bit drum synth!)
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