
Non-platform specific questions.


Postby Freddy » Sat Sep 29, 2007 1:14 am

Im trying to make a demo of what Ive made so far in my space invaders game. Everything works fine, until I export the game. When the space ship is destroyed in the exported game, and is recreated (because there are extra lives), it ends up being created in the middle of the screen, rather than the bottom. I went back to the ged. file, and it worked just fine. WHY ON EARTH DOES THIS HAPPEN!!!!!/??????/ :evil: :evil: :evil: / :?: :?: :?: / :| :| . I cant remeber the question I had, but I'll edit my post when I remember.
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Re: bug/question

Postby pixelpoop » Sat Sep 29, 2007 6:06 pm

What system are you exporting to?
Also, instead of destroying the actor and then recreating it, you could just change the animation from: ship to explosion to nothing then back to ship
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Re: bug/question

Postby Freddy » Sat Sep 29, 2007 7:45 pm

Yay! I just figured out the problem! For some reason, if you parrent the actor to something (the view in my case) the coordinates get all messed up. So I unparrented the actors, and I also made a moveto action, rather than just being created in the view. This gives it a cool rocketing effect, and it solves the problem. Thanks for the help anyway. :D (by the way, Im posting my demo in the Game Deveolpment forum. Check it out!) :wink:
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