Game Editor comments and discussion.


Postby DarkParadox » Mon Sep 15, 2008 12:16 am

go here to download: [http://game-editor.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=6107]

This is done with 3 macro functions:
- One which loads text into a chanel, which can be called by any object.
- The second which can append text to a chanel
- The third which is used on a canvas in a draw actor event, to interpret/write the text from a chanel.

**There are 10 chanels (readable strings)

By default, all text is white and typed one letter per frame (30 letters/sec). You can initiate a text function by typing a star (*) with a specfic command after it. The following are the functions:

- *N = Newline command (exactly like \n in printf)

- *C### = Change text color (# are numbers from 0 to 9, the first is red, second is green, third is blue)
Example: "*C090Hello" would print Hello

- *I### = Instantaneous write (prints from 0 to 999 characters instantly without typing them one by one)

- *P### = Pause the writing (pauses the writing process for 0 to 999 frames)
Example: "Hello, *P015again." would print hello then wait 15 frames before continuing.

the question system:

- *X### = create possible cursor location/ set answer number (when encountered, a cursor postion and choice number is automatically assigned to that position, and the answer number is the position to go next in a dialogue or menu. For the answer number, the programmer is responsible to devise a system that use the number in a specific, otherwise it is useless.)

- *G#### = create the cursor itself/ define grid alignement (the first digit defines the number(0-9) of horizontally placed choices in a grid pattern, the 2 other digits(0-99) define the number of vertical choices in a grid pattern. This is simply the size of your grid of answer/items/etc. View it as *Gxyy)

Example: "Are you doing well? *C090*X001YES *X015NO *G201"
Prints: Are you doing well? >YES NO

If "yes" is selected, go to dialogue position 1.
If "no" is selected, go to dialogue position 15. (Different conversation path)
Pressing the left and right arrow keys change the selected answer (red cursor).
You will have to program things like these yourself though, all dialogues are different.

And finally:
- ** = Prints a single star(*)

this may be confusing, but you'll be better off anyways...
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Postby edh » Sat Sep 27, 2008 9:10 pm

I'm gonna try this out. Thanks for posting this.
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