A official GE Choice awards event.

Ideas for Game Editor evolution.

A official GE Choice awards event.

Postby NightOfHorror » Sat Jan 15, 2011 4:19 am

I thought of a thing called GE choice awards a few weeks back and already did rules and categories. Then it came to me what should I get the winners. I cant just give nothing but congrats on winning. So I thought we could get good prizes and make it an official GE event. :)
GE Pro(most professional in games.)
Graphic king( Best graphics in game)
GE Newbie(Passionate, helpful, and skill plus started in that yeay judged on.)
Best sound and music in game.
GE Mind controller (most addicting game)
GE Most Valuable User
These are only judged on year like how it is judged 2010 things in mine
"I have not failed. I just found 10,000 ways that wont work." quoted by Thomas Edison.
Over the year, I decided my motto for me is I am knowledgeable, but not practical.
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Re: A official GE Choice awards event.

Postby SuperSonic » Sun Jan 16, 2011 3:13 am

what's the prize? $ :D $
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